Tuesday, October 20, 2015

You pay for experience

Have you failed, ever? I am sure the answer will be YES. We learnt from our Failures. Doing Mistakes and Fail to find a path, makes us strong mentally to make things better in next chance. Only if we understand our mistake and learnt from it. :) Doing mistake while seeking 'Success' is part of big success.

Recently I was in touch with a person who believe 'Success' is the game of not FAILING. I disagree with him. Failure is the ongoing process towards the success and Success is the ongoing process, which has no specific end.

Last month I was in discussion with same person 'a so-called friend', to start experimental business idea. Every business has two parts, 'An Idea' which has core value and Execution over that Idea, has practical value. Both values are as important as two legs for a human. We both were putting lots of efforts to execute the Idea in to practical. The area of business was new, hence we have to educate ourselves on every step to go further. It was brainstorming time for of us. Challenges coming from every level, collect all inputs for idea to come alive, changing the execution plan every day, updating priority list and execution according to situation at that time and so on. In short, learning experience like people usually get in any other start-ups. It was a partnership, for collective efforts with common goal.

Partnership had happened at mental level, whereas one should take care of the execution part and other take care of the thought process part to make sure we are on same page to achieve 'an Idea' we had discussed initially. We both were a perfect combination of brain and muscles. Everything was in right direction of common goal of 'Success'. Doing business in Partnership was an Experiment. Experiment to learn how other person thinks, reacts, see the things from his/her angle which we can't see, braking emotional barrier to learnt something beyond friendship And learn to trust someone on a path towards 'Success'.

But I made a mistake... A horrible mistake, I forgot the definition of SUCCESS is depend on person to person. The person was in terms of not to FAIL in anything, however my logic was to do experiment and learn while doing mistakes. It was hard to do no mistake, whether you like it or not. That person start making few mistakes unknowingly. And when point out the mistakes to that person, he/she start defending rather solving the situation. It happened because the persons wrong believes about Success. He/she believes in 'doing mistakes means going opposite of Success'. Such people take success or failure very personally in their life. Such personality comes with EGO.

Every business has ECO system, but in partnership there is only EGO system. If you cant control your EGO everything breaks apart in partnership.

Partnership is an experiment in business and somebody has to pay the price when it breaks. It may not be in terms of money, but it could be emotional, relation, and/or other values of life.

I paid by friendship, relation, respect for that person, Trust and peace of mind. Those are more valuable than money, though. I learnt from this experiment, I need to know the other person's believe system before add him/her in to my success experiment. It was a nice experience for me to do more experiment in a life for Success. I paid for my experience.

Keep in Mind, In Partnership, 'It's not about IDEA, It's an IDEA to make it Happen together'.