Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rain and Humanity

There suppose to be the October heat in month of October. This means no rain and shiny Sun, dusty weather in day and cold in night. But something is wrong this year and we are still waiting for return Monsoon. The climate is so unpredictable that no matter what smartphone or smart weather app you are using you can't keep ready for upcoming weather in your city. Such weather App may be predicting well in other side of the world, where the news updates from Meteorology department and such apps helping people to decide whether they should step out with Umbrella or not. In India it's typically reversed, when our Apps say there will be Rain for today, we hardly see rain, but raining when it suppose to sunny day. So it's hard to predict in india.

It was last Sunday (11th Oct), I was realxing at home, So my wife request (demand) me to go out for nothing. (Her 'nothing' means, roaming around the streets, shopping mall, dinner and/or ice cream. Sequence may change, but 'nothing' remains same for any weekend). There was no sign of the rain. I checked on my mobile phone too, it show me 'Cloudy, Intermittent Rains'. I didn't bother to take a raincoat for intermittent rain, nor listen to my son who was constantly behind me for car ride.

We were enjoying nice wind on our bike. Chattering with wife and son going from lane to lane from this part of the city to other, where ever free lanes we get. But suddenly it start pouring, so we decided to take a turn to home. With no time it was raining heavily and we have to stop somewhere in shelter till rain stop. Thankfully, we found a old building on our way, near 'Ghole Road'. Building ws old but there was ample space to stand and park my scooter. As soon as we entered, my son shouted at me, 'Papa, I asked you to take car, but you didn't listen to me'. I realize my mistake and I avoid to look to my wife to get more guilty feelings.

We were there for 15-20 min, chatting in general, I was making sure to give them a nice talk so they can forget and forgive my mistake of bike ride instead car ride :). There was no sign of relief from rain as time go rain was heavey like hail. It ws so dark and we couldn't see a road which is just few feet away from us. There was no sign of autos or bike on road. We saw an elderly person enter in the building on his scooter. He was drenched from head to toe, shivering while getting out of his bike. He stands beside us. In conversation with him, I got know he is a Doctor and having clinic in city. He knew this soc as he had a flat in same building, which he sold a 10 years back. Our conversation interrupted by a light beam and horn of the car. We were standing on parking spot of the soc member so we have to give away space to that car.

As car was parked, Car owner step down gave me concern smile and turn toward that elderly man. Soon the car owner recognize that person and bend his head with respect and insist him for cup of tea in his house till rain stop. Elderly man reused few minutes, but can't stand more and headed to the direction of the staircase. the car owner turned towards us and asked me to join, which I refused with respect.

2 minutes passed and we heard a old lady voice from our back, inviting us for a cup of tea in her home. She was the mother of Car owner and came back to get us in her house. We refused 2-3 times but she was so polite and humble with her lovely motherly tone of voice we couldn't stand against her. She littrelly pulled my wife inside her house. It was warm welcome with nice tea and biscuits. My son was bit shy and hesitate to play with Car owners son. By the time we start our conversion with that family, My son setteld and start playing with Car Owners son. (I know I'm still using the 'Car Owner' instead of family name, cause I don't want to disclose his Identity) I really don't have words how overwhelmed we were with this unexpected gesture.

Finally, rain stopped in next 30 min and while saying goodbye to that family we found new door of Humanity.

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