Tuesday, September 28, 2010

19 coincidences in CWG??

Do you believe, Delhi CWG team has 19 coincidences and they all are saying 'nothing was in plannnn'.

Looks like Family's Wealth Games are going... not India or delhi or Common ;)

HOW?? please check out;

1. Four nephews of OC vice chairman Randhir Singh have been hired. Three work in the Commonwealth Games Association Relations (dealing with Commonwealth associations of 71 countries), directly under Singh.

2. Bharati Singh Rao, daughter of Rao Inderjit Singh, Congress MP from Gurgaon, is Director, Image and Look. She was hired a year ago.

3. Sangeeta Welinkar is Additional Director General (Image and Look) and her son Udhav Waman Welinkar quit the OC last month as Administrative Assistant (Volunteer programme). Sangeeta Welinkar is in the core committee of OC chairman Suresh Kalmadi and worked with him during the Pune Youth Games as well. She draws a salary of Rs 1.31 lakh per month. Her son Udhav's salary was Rs 33,500 per month.

4. Vivek Raja, son of P K Murlidharan Raja, Secretary General of the Boxing Federation, is working with the OC as Director, Workforce, which is also partly responsible for hiring staff.

5. Raj Singh is OC's Competition Manager, his daughter Manisha Sharma is Administrative Assistant (Ticketing) and his daughter-in-law Shelkha Sharma is a receptionist in Kalmadi's office. Raj Singh is also Vice President of the Wrestling Federation.

6. Shikha Verma is Director, Creative Cultural Events, and her twin sister Shipra Verma is Director (Protocol ).

7. Jamal Raazi is Director (Technology) and his wife Sana Raazi is Project Officer (Technology). Both were promoted two months ago.

8. Syed Yasar Ibrahim is Assistant Project Officer (Venue Development & Overlays) and his wife Umama Ibrahim is APO (Venue Development and Overlays).

9. Siddarth Mall is Assistant Project Officer (Sponsorship and Sales) and wife Deepali Kapoor is APO of the Volunteer Programme. "

10. Capt N L Khan is Director (Administration) and his wife Geeta Khan is APO (Spectator Services).

11. C S Rathi is Assistant Project Officer (Sports) and his son Ajay Rathi is APO, (Lawn Bowl).

12. Col Surinder Kumar is Project Officer (Office Administration) and his son Shashwat is APO (Sports).

13. Savita Thakur is Assistant Project Officer (Ticketing) and her sister Babita Thakur is Administrative Assistant (Transport).

14. Aparna Ghosh is Director (Venue Operations) and her niece Aneesha Mitra is Administrative Assistant (Ceremonies).

15. Anita Guliani is Administrative Assistant (Administration) and her daughter Mansi Guliani is Administrative Assistant (Ceremonies).

16. Avny Lavasa is Project Officer (Queen's Baton Relay) and her brother Abir Lavasa is APO (Venue Operations).

17. Jeet Ram is Stenographer (Ceremonies) and his son Neeraj is Administrative Assistant (Technology).

18. D Anand Kumar is Project Officer (Sports) and his wife D Rama Devi is APO (Accounts).

19. Pratap Bhosale is Project Officer (Logistics) and his daughter Priyanka P Bhosale is Administrative Assistant (Cleaning and Waste Management).

Thanks to http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4424600

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Have... Need ... Want

When I was kid, I wanted to be on moon. Wanted to touch a star and play with them for whole night. Being young I wanted to be a handsome man ever to impress girls and become famous. Recently I wanted to be the richest man on earth, if it's too high then at least rich to get what and when I want. Every one of us want to have something, no matter how important and costly it is. It seems we are being stubborn day by day for what we Want. Now a days we ready to do 'everything' almost 'anything' to achieve what we want.

What we 'have' is really important to know before we start thinking of what we 'Want' and What we 'need'. There is misconception about Want and Need irrespective of what we 'have'. We forget what a best we have and what we can do with that but just start to demand and try to get what we Want, even if it is not needed.

We should value what we have and start working on our need. Want is something unnecessary need which may not fulfill your need of life. I remember Mahatma Gandhi, a great man we had on this earth. When he realize what he have and what he need, he controlled every emotion of what he want in life. He understand the value of basic need of life and get that which include food and a single cloth to cover half a body. We are not Gandhi and nobody can be one again. But we should just try to think what we have and what we need to stop follow what we want.

There are many things in our life which not needed but still we're having that. When we follow of what we want, we never value that again when we got. But when we get what we need we respect that and understand that need for longer time.

Food for beggar is his Need and delicious/toothsome food for most of us is Want. This is just a small example, and I'm sure there are many examples in front of us which we ignore/forget, as we are being busy to update our 'Wanting' list without any intention or cause of life.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mentally down

I'm down... not physically this time, but mentally. I couldn't find any reason for this, but something is bothering me. My mind is full of weird/unnecessary/preternatural thoughts and I'm not able to find the way to get a rid of that. I befuddle, when I try to find why and how my mind is full of such shit. Amid I realized many things about My mind, rather human minds.

Every mind is like plain water till it mixed with some thoughts. Flow of thoughts changes the human mind alike plain water change it's own color and shape with mix of the strange things. No matter what & how those thoughts affecting our mind, but every thoughts has it's own color and it change many things in our mind. When we are in joy, we feel like having a our own color in our mind and we feel that color in our move. We think happy thoughts and do the things  which we like to do. We like to see the world as want, we like to help others, we felt the nature in generous color of it's own and we try to enjoy each and every sec of min we spent. We do many things in that flow of happy thoughts and share happiness. Suddenly we start forget and forgive other to make happy way of our life. But same mind of very same human get changed with some stupid thoughts. It's gets diluted with negative or some strange thoughts. we never know why and how such thoughts came by and caught you, specially why you only. The more thoughts come to mind more mind get grunge.

More we think negative or wrong, more our mind get culprit of our owns. There is no way to clean or get out of such stage, unless we stop thinking. 'Time is really best medicine' for all and we suppose to give us time to come out. Time will not change everything and clean our mind, but it helps us to think something diffrent or better to cheer up. New thoughts suppress our bad/wrong or neagtive thoughts in deep somewhere in mind and new happy thoughts gets on top, seems like everything is normal and all bad thoughts gets out of our mind. This is illusion, which we create for ourselves and make us happy to go ahead. But the fact is all negative/wrong thoughts are still in our mind and may come up when we get upset or in shit of thoughts. It's same like using alum for diluted water. Alum will only suppress all dirt at the bottom of the water flask and give illusion that water is clean, in actual water can be diluted with all dirt again when it get shake.

Mind get all over all negative, wrong feelings on top when we are down mentally. I'm feelings same...I'm down mentally. :(