Sunday, September 19, 2010

Have... Need ... Want

When I was kid, I wanted to be on moon. Wanted to touch a star and play with them for whole night. Being young I wanted to be a handsome man ever to impress girls and become famous. Recently I wanted to be the richest man on earth, if it's too high then at least rich to get what and when I want. Every one of us want to have something, no matter how important and costly it is. It seems we are being stubborn day by day for what we Want. Now a days we ready to do 'everything' almost 'anything' to achieve what we want.

What we 'have' is really important to know before we start thinking of what we 'Want' and What we 'need'. There is misconception about Want and Need irrespective of what we 'have'. We forget what a best we have and what we can do with that but just start to demand and try to get what we Want, even if it is not needed.

We should value what we have and start working on our need. Want is something unnecessary need which may not fulfill your need of life. I remember Mahatma Gandhi, a great man we had on this earth. When he realize what he have and what he need, he controlled every emotion of what he want in life. He understand the value of basic need of life and get that which include food and a single cloth to cover half a body. We are not Gandhi and nobody can be one again. But we should just try to think what we have and what we need to stop follow what we want.

There are many things in our life which not needed but still we're having that. When we follow of what we want, we never value that again when we got. But when we get what we need we respect that and understand that need for longer time.

Food for beggar is his Need and delicious/toothsome food for most of us is Want. This is just a small example, and I'm sure there are many examples in front of us which we ignore/forget, as we are being busy to update our 'Wanting' list without any intention or cause of life.

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