Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alone on bed

When I large my hands to take my beloved in arms, i found nothing on bed, except the pillows. I woke up to see my wife (and time), my wife was not on bed and watch was in mood of SAD face of the time i.e.  4:35AM. It's surprised for me to see I was alone on bed ...(yeah.. actually married men have to prepare their mind, if they want to sleep alone on your big size double bed). It was too early for my wife to get up and do morning chores, so i thought she must have gone to restroom and may come back soon. So i waited there and watching a fan and white ceiling of bedroom. After a few minute of time when she didn't back to room, i thought and went to check my self, but i couldn't see her anywhere in house. I check the main door of house which was locked properly. I was loosing my penitence and was so tensed to drop myself down on ground.
I was not sure how I was alone?? to be very frank ...mostly I enjoyed my bed when my wife stay with her mother for couple of days... (every married men love this era of freedom). But today it was different, I was worried more and looking for her, trying to remember the last night stories which may give me hint why i was alone. I try to recollect the things and situation in our bedroom.. (don't give me that look ...yeah... some time you need to recollect the things around you even when you are in your own bedroom) but nothing is giving me a hint about the last night or why i was alone on bed. I really wanted to know where is my wife and why i was alone on bed.
I was full of question asking myself and answering them to me only. Why and where she might have gone? how can she go without telling me and so on.... the stream of question is more than answers and I was not sure how many time I repeated same questions to me. When i back to bedroom, i was astonished to see her on the floor of other side of our bed, which is not in sight when I was on bed or while move out of the room.
hooooshhhhh ... is only reveling sound out from my mouth at that time. Then I recollect the things which she told me last night, that she is having fast for nine days/night for 'navaratri' and she would sleep on floor as religious process. Till that time my mind was just thinking rationalize way.
This morning pill of the day was enough for me to keep me awake for till she wake up and help me to think how we think in fraction of second and what we do when we're unable to get what we expected in life, even when we are in deep sleep. I was really in deep sleep in the morning when i stretched my arm to find my wife beside me.
It is the same way of feeling, when we are in deep sleep and when we are in our normal life, trying to doing something for our carrier. We don't wanted to go away from the things which we like/love and when we are out of reach of the things we just can't control our emotions. We feel very annoyed when things are out of our reach. Our brain/mind is really source of every thought and we think too much in all situations no matter what's the situation is. Most of the time our thoughts are negative. We expect the positive from every worst situation of life but we think most negative in that time only :) how funny it is.
I couldn't sleep after that hiccup morning of today. Morning pill was very tiny but hard and very effective to keep me awake till i come to office.

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