Friday, June 5, 2015

A Book, brings me to my blog again

Back after 5 years ...!!!
I knew Blogging was not meant for me, but I started in 2009 and (un)fortunately stopped in 2010. This is not the 1st thing, which I started with hopping something better and stop following soon. There are many unfinished things in my life, which sometime I laugh on, and sometime just regret.

I was counting blog in that unfinished things, but today, I thought to give a shot again. When, I have started blogging initially, 'It was to express myself, Not to Impress the world'. Then why did I stop? It was my habit to keep things unfinished.

Unending list of unfinished tasks, rewrite every December by name of resolution. From many years I was practicing to make a resolution in month of December and then run away from those resolutions by end of Feb or March. Yet again, it was Dec 2012 and I was ready with my resolution list (unfinished list from last year). One of that was Reading Books. I pin that resolution for coming year and made small change, from 'Reading Books' to READ A BOOK'. That a small change was very effective. I know my reading habit, so decided to find a small book. Same evening I was on road looking for roadside used book stall to get something to read for sake of my resolution.

With confuse mind, I was looking at stack of books and wonder what to select. I never been to book stall, except to buy school/collage books. That time I knew what to buy, starting from weakest subject I was in :)  But the time has changed and so do the selection of book. Now the subject is not only selection criteria for book. You need to know what type of book suites you and what you need from book. So my selection started with easy steps, observing what other readers were checking at and just follow them. I was acting like I'm a good thinker and choosy for books. One thing was sure, I wanted to start with a Indian author book. As I don't wanted to keep a dictionary beside me, while reading book.

Will you select a book by color of cover, title or Author instead? funny isn't? But I was automatically picking anything with dark color cover, not sure about the contain and context. And finally, I was stuck with a one book. It was with black cover, Indian Author, easy and bold title, 'YOU CAN WIN' by Shiv Khera. This is it...!!!

I was more amused by the tag line of that book, 'Winner don't do the different things, they do the things differently'. That book change my life and gave me a lot. The most important thing I learnt from that book is 'Never Quit' attitude.

I'm back to my blog to commit myself on public domain, that I will never QUIT again.

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