Friday, June 19, 2015

No Politics please

The last common election was most interesting election I witness of. I'm not an expert in Political affairs, but this was news that the Indian election this time was fought like President election in US. The use of Social Marketing, Rallies, Posters, Advertises and use of Digital technology, like 3 D presence of leader in every small town was really amazing. One should appreciate the planning and ideas used in this election, crossing any party though. It was a  huge impact on common man's mind and the Party who was ahead in such campaign, won that election. The side effect of that social media marketing is still high.

That was a time when I saw (including myself)  were in word of war on social media to defend someone or attack someone without knowing the facts about anything. People were so frenzy in such act, many of them lost their old friend or respect from those whom they were debating. I was too got in such mess. Though, I was not a part of any party, nor have liked any party or person page on Facebook, have never followed any political personality on twitter, but still some of my friends who were/are socially following some party or personality, they thing I'm against them.

There was a time when Party members used to convince the people to join party or vote for party.  The process was with human touch, understanding the background, party worker used to explain the voter, why he/she should join the party or vote for party. But nowadays party workers will enforce you to join them, by provoking you or by manipulating your thoughts. Either you are with them or against them. Why this is so Black and White, why can't a common man like me be in Gray area, where he will observe the leader and then decide to join or not. And in case I join any party or start following party, then I may loose my identity partially. Cause then I'm not deciding what should be on my social media page. This will be decide by party what to spread from my page. It might be against someone personally or against some other party or some comment or thought which I may or may not agree with.

Since last election, two or three people from my friend list are still following one party. I don't have any objection for that and I should not have any. Those who follow some party or any leader, don't understand at end of the day, all parties are equal, 'Hammam sab naage hote hain'. After all, party leaders or members are human and all human has their personal goal and/or hidden agenda. They talk to you, about you, though of you, till they achieve what they want. This is real talent of the Politician.

I understood this and have decided to not comment anything on Politics and Politician. There is very less acceptance in public if you have any opinion on politics. Even if you have any facts and evidence against one party leader and you put your opinion on public platform, there are more people to bulldoze you than support you. The problem is mind set of human. They see everything with same optic. 'Daal main kuch kala hain, are nahi 'Daal hi kali hain' and this will go endless. If I say a word against any popular leader, those who follow him will say 'ye to bik chuka hain, ye to usi party say hain and etc. Why I suppose to be with any other party to say against you? Can't I be from same party or fodder like you to raise a question or seek a clarification from leader? Or I have no any rights to ask? When someone from same party ask a question to their leader, instead giving straight and simple answer they will divert you to other question which will be more complicated and may be from other party. I tried this with one of my friend who follower of a political party, when I asked him about his leader wrong doing, he start blaming me that you are from XYZ party with many bad words, Then he start the debate by giving example from other party leaders and their issues, which I never asked him. By end of the conversion, he said 'You have sold yourself to that party and no rights to ask anything about the honest leader from my party'. I couldn't debate him anymore, and just gave him smile to stop debating. It's like 'Meri Kamiz usake Kamiz se safed hain, to main acchha hun'. Showing others are more culprit than you is worst mind set of human. Like I'm far better Pig in this dirty pit, than others.

My suggestion would be, don't patronize by these leader, keep your esteem alive. Your leader is human too and he may make a mistake and when he make a mistake, you tends to cover him or ignore him or some of you may defend him.

I'm not afraid of putting my opinion on any social media, but I'm a common man, I have sense of everything and I will react on my day, when it comes, that is on election day. Erupting on social media and being one of the Pig, is not for me. I am not interested to be one of the so called clean PIG who don't have self conciseness. Like every common man, I'm already disturb. I need some positive energy to face my problems and solve them. Talking negative for others or sharing some stupid allegation banners and blaming others will not help me to grow mentally.

I would better to keep away from Politics and commenting on Politics. Yes will react when there is time, when I get chance to put ink on my hand. Till then shut up...

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