Thursday, June 18, 2015

Second book by her is as good as her first

Doing business doesn't just required any MBA certification from a reputed MBA school. Business is more like a habit of work and doing exactly what your mind says. There are many successful business personality around us, who had never attend any business school but they know what exactly they are doing to make their business successful. Taking startup to a level of Business is related to your gut feelings and risk taking appetite rather than just Luck.

'Connect The Dots' is book about 20 entrepreneurs, who never been to any MBA school to understand the business, yet they are successful in their chosen field. They start from nothing, having no specific dream, fought in field of experience and got a taste of success. This book tells us, journey for them was not easy and smooth but destination is.

This is Second book from Rashmi Bansal and she kept her style of writing and format exact same from her previous book 'Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish'. There are Three section of this book and I just love all three names, 1. Jugaad, 2. Junoon and 3. Jubaan. All are hindi words can translate to 'Temporary manage or Arrangement', 'Madness/eager to do something' and 'expression by words/language'.
Though there are 20 best stories, I found 5 stories are more inspiring to think beyond your limitation to do something better in life.
JUGAAD is the collection of stories of the people who have never get a chance to learn anything about Business, but they able to mange (Jugaad) the things at right time with right attitude to achieve the success.

Kunwar Sachdev, a person who is coming from medium class background, with no big dream except to start his own business. He was not a Physics student, but he used Physics in his practical life to become a 500 + cr. business owner. SU-KAM was a name for his pen manufacturing company, but he carried same name for his next business, Power Inventor manufacturing. Story is amazingly written by Author and gives us an idea, how by following something else you may end up doing better than what you have started. Something will work in JUGAAD for your success.

'Gori Gori, Fem Fem girl' was a tag used in the advertise the face bleach product, 'FEM'. I remember, It was very famous in late 90'. After reading the story of real FEM Girl 'Sunita Ramnathekar, I was stunned to know that the product was discovered in the kitchen. The story tells you the life style of the Sunita after her marriage and how she wanted to do something for her pocket money. She is good observers and having sense what market may need with self experienced. She thought and introduce a bleach to hide 'unwanted hair' from face, which become very popular because of the side effect. It was fortunate for Sunita that her product was giving a positive side effect of Fairness, to the customer. This change everything for Sunita and she promote that product for Fairness bleach, instead. The jugaad she made in her kitchen, accepted by people and gave her success like, she never had dream of. A 200 cr company sold to Dabur after 27 years in skincare industry. It's an amazing journey for her.

Imagine a person who was living in tin shade in Pune slum, but doing JUGAAD with his risk taking appetite and opportunistic sense, he become a owner of company, having 16,000 Employee working with him and total worth of 300+ cr. This story tells you how part time small business become Million dollar business. Mr. Hanmant Gaikwad started his house keeping service industry as part time job, while doing a service in TATA auto. He sense a opportunity in almost every thing where ever he goes, from taking class for Diploma student to Paint the wall to lay the brick road to clean the company floor, to anything. The story is journey of a Person who is ready to experiment and do something (JUGAAD) to earn money.
"Do Good Work and More Work will Come to You"

JUNOON is all about the People, who have their dream and ready to do anything (Junoon) to get their dream in real.

Some people don't like to read when they are in school, but later they realize, book reading is important. I like this story because I myself consider in this category of the people. :)
He failed to fulfill his father dream to complete his degree in Mathematics, but become a great sales manager in Book store. The book reading can do the wonders, but in his case Book selling made his life wonderful. R. Sriram's story is lesson, how dreamer should follow his Dream till it become reality. From sales person in book store to India's first book store chain owner is not a common dream. R. Sriram understood the meaning of "Intelligence and Capability are not enough, there must be joy of doing something beautiful". A words from Dr. Venkat swami of Arvind Eye hospital. Good story to read.

JUBAAN is collection of stories of creative people, who choose the different platform to express themselves (Jubaan) and prove the world that Creative Mind people can become a entrepreneur,

When I saw a movie 'Harishchdrachi Factory' in 2010, I was amazed the worked done by team. That time I had never thought about any individual from that team, till I read about Mr. Paresh Mokashi, who made his dream come true though this movie. He wanted to become an actor but end up writing stories for play, Marathi serials etc. We should be glad, that Paresh understood his hidden talent of writing, which he must have got from his journalist father. He wrote many small play, but he become famous with black comedy play in Marathi, 'Mukkam post Bombilwadi'. From there he never looked back and made history by producing a Film in Marathi, which is costliest movie (4cr) in Marathi Industry then. The movie is different then and even now, because it is without a Song, Dance and/or big banner Actors in it, still got huge attention and recognition from Industry and got a place for Oscar nomination in 2009.

An Artiest can become an entrepreneur, if he believe in his creation and use his mind to invest money in it.

The book is really good to read, not in one seat, but whenever you are in mood to understand how the successful become successful. There is no magic, only dedication toward the goal and hard work. Yes to understand your Goal, you need to work really hard. try many things before you settle in one line or one business. but no shortcut for hard work.

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