Saturday, June 6, 2015

Change is Good

It was late evening of 10 or 12 July 1992. We were planning to sleep early, as there was no lights and raining heavily outside. I was 12 years old that time. It was my best opportunity for me and my sister to skip the homework and go to bed. We were busy in making arrangements for bed. Suddenly, we terrified by loud noise of hitting something on ground, along with screaming of people from out side of our home. Before we could understand anything, I was getting breeze and drizzling of rain from the side wall, where I was standing to make arrangement for bed. My father pulled me and my sister aside and drag us to out of that building. We all were standing in crowd to witness our home is getting tumble in that thunderstorm. Lightning was helping us to see how badly our home was damaged. The side wall which was unsupported from outside was collapsed, but rest structure was stand still. 

It was 2 and half story building, called WADA, constructed by my father's Grandfather in year 1940-50. We spend that night in one of our close relatives place, but my father reluctant to leave the place. He wanted to guard the remaining property and all inside stuff of our home, which was easily accessible from that open wall.

My first home shifting was unavoidable and forceful that time. I was just asked to take care of my school bag and stuff related to my school. Rest things get packed and move to new location on very next day. I don't remember how that had happened or who made that possible, but all required stuff were intact at new place for me and my sister. Out life was back to normal in just 2-3 days.

That Wada is now changed to a 4 story commercial cum residential building. Before moving to this place, we have shifted 4 times in span of 11 year from 1992 to 2003. Moving from own HOME to own or rent a small flat, was not easy that time. But we learnt many things in that shift, we experience the different culture, people, festivals, Co-Operative housing society rules and Politics in that housing society. All shifting was with purpose of convenience for my parents and our school. 

It seems unending story. We are shifting again for better neighborhood and close to school for my son. This is 5th time we are changing my postal address. This time we are moving to new rental home for next couple of  years. I wish landlord would offer me that property in next 2-3 years at affordable price. We have yet to moved there, but I am in love that home and locality. 

Change is unavoidable, like my first shifting in my life. If you are reluctant, then situation force you to change, but if you are aware where you want to head in life then you need to change the situation. With this new change, I know where exactly I am heading to.

Every Change Brings Good in Life, If You Are Ready to Accept.

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