Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Power to make Wealth

Power is a sign that you can change something as you need or want. Everyone/everything needs a Power, Power to think, Power act, Power to do, Power to lead, Power to follow Power to write, Power to say. Everything is Power and Power is everything but Everything needs a Power. Power is invisible unless you realize it with in you. You may never know what kind of Power you may have. Every sense is Power, every thought is Power, every word is Power, every move is Power. Power is to make others to you or surrender yourself to others. Power to understand others or Power to express to others. Power to keep quite when time comes or to clam others when you want. Need Power to down one or to lift others. Need a Power to prove Right or Wrong and need a Power to use a Power. So with out Power we are nothing. We don't know who we are unless we use a Power we have.

Power is everything, but we need to understand the value of Power to use in life. Use Power in such way that help us to achieve what we want. Power never gets waste, but wrongly applied Power can bring us down in life. Once we understand the 'Theory of Power' we can apply that in our practical life to uphold where we are or go further where we want. Nothing is easy as we think, but we need to apply Power to makes every thing possible. Power of sense to think and Power of act to apply in life.

Powerful is a person who convert his each and every Power to get something better to create wealth.

So start using 'Power' to make life wealthy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What if we failed?

I failed again :( ... Yes it's not first time i failed to do something, but I feel very upset whenever I failed to do something which I really wanted to do in life. It's not that easy to just follow your heart without thinking about anything. Life is not that easy and simple at all. Life always give you surprise, when you least expected of any. It test you when you are not prepare or in bad time to give any test. But this is life, never go in way what we need or want. Like everyone, I feel like uuuummmmmmm....... or some time uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm more frustration when things are not going in my way.

'Time has answer for most of the questions' but what we need to do till Time gives an answer. Shall we wait? but waiting is waste of time. Shall we try again? But what If we Failed again? more frustration. Shall we give up? No never, We're not born to give up that easily. Then what to do in unstable mind state? with confuse and frustrated mental? May be hyper for most of the people like me. In such situation we never find a way to get things in our way. And this lead to more serious problem in life. Most common is -ve thinking take over on us and we assume things which may not real. We try to rationalize the things and make a situation more complicated then ever. This disturb us more in our normal daily life and was give us break to think else. I know easy to write what the situation would be after failed, but very difficult to come out for anyone.

Failing is part of life, we have to fail to realize and enjoy the success. Failing really increase the value of Success which we never thought. What is a point, if there is no struggle to achieve something in life? Every living things has it's own struggle. Take any example, you will find there is failure (in fact huge failure) before things get success. Every human fail to do something new in his life, but never stop for anything. This is life, so think how we should come out of the failure mind set rather think over failure. But hey, keep this Failure in mind, it's really wonderful to have history of failures and keep walking in life to not face same failure again.

We suppose to gather all small, big, bigger moments of success from our life along with failure moments. When we failed start think about the small or even smaller success about our life and look forward to catch new. Start with small and go to the higher or biggest success you've made in life to cheer you up. Keep Failure in mind to keep you alert when you are on top of success. The biggest and common mistakes we do is 'we forget the failure when we are on TOP of success and forget the success when we Failed'. I know easy to say and very common line we could hear when we fail, but really true and most required line when either Fail or Success.

So, what if we failed? We'll try again, we'll wait and try again, we'll try another way, will get another chance again but never give up, unless you try with all your strength.

"everything is not possible for everyone in single life"

Friday, August 27, 2010

What's in your mind?

Brain is incredible organ of human body. It's so complicated that Surgeons are still confuse and trying to dig every part of tiny brain to get more information. It's so precisely made by GOD, that nobody can challenge or think better than it's own design. We usually says, our Brain is creator of every single small thoughts. Every single thoughts from Brain has it's own value. Sometimes it's just a sake of output of our brain, which may be stupid, weird ideas, or incredible innovation for others. You never know what it would be the output of your own Brain unless it come out. Brain is awesome thing, but some time we get confuse and follow something else and ignore our Brain. Who is that something? is that somebody else who go against our own thoughts and give us something else which we follow blindly?

Using my Brain i try to think a lot on this, but couldn't find the perfect answer and i lead (or mislead) by something else which is against my own thoughts of Brain. I don't know what to say about that SOMETHING. Some say it's heart, some say it's Mind and some say it's soul which is hidden and helping brain to think what exactly you want. So what is exactly MIND/HEART/SOUL? There is no specific answer from anyone yet. If it's hidden then why and how it thinks? and why we should follow that? when we have our own Brain which is visible and why we can't just ignore Mind/heart completely? When I think over this using my Brain and Mind (Which is invisible) along, I found some strange answers.

Like Brain, Mind represent you, your inner thoughts and yourself. You can do anything, say anything or act anything as your brain but your Mind plays a finest role in every activity of yours to represent to the world. We all are centered to our MIND, no matter how we react on our Minds action or reaction.

Every thoughts which comes out of our Brain is in our mind as well. Its say something to you and most of us just ignore what our mind say and just follow what our Brain says. But you can't ignore one and just follow other. When we think about something in brain, our mind divert us to something else. And when we follow our Mind few steps, our brain interrupt us and force us to do back on things. Both are not wrong, but confuse us more and so we say 'I can't concentrate'.

I don't know who follow what? So I decided to experiment on myself.

I try to follow my mind for every questions. For every question, my Mind gives me emotional answer, which really a better point of view to the world. I started to think about others, to respect others and value other human personal, I see happy faces around me and feel very happy to share happiness as they want. I become very very cool and finest person among all around me. They are happy cause I'm thinking from them, of them and for them, rather me or I. I'm loosing my success or money in this period, but I was happy to being up lift by everyone around me. After some time I realize this leads me on a track where I get more confuse and forget about myself. Where is Myself in all those question/answer? I was in need of answers which are center to me. I lost ME/I from every question. Where is I or self? I don't want an answers which are from others point of view only and gives me more confusion or trouble to find me or I.

So I switched and started to follow my Brain. Brain is really smart and gives me a perfect answer of any question what I was looking. Perfect and Practical I must say. I become very professional by this and gaining more success/money and status which i dream of. I'm happy to know that my Brain is best in world for any questions related to me. But seems it's so perfect and practical that I started to cut few of my close relations, friends and dearest one, who were really around me when I was no-one and still want to be around me when I'm someone. I started hurt them by being practical and giving practical answers. There is nothing wrong in that but my Mind is diluted with my own brain thoughts and I'm ignoring my mind completely over my Brain. I'm start loosing my friends and my dearest one who were really lifts me up when I was following my heart/mind.

So none of the one from both Brain and Mind gives right for me. Finally this concluded that, we, human has to follow both, Brain and Mind along to get success and social. There are many who follow brain for money, but never follow heart/mind for happiness. I'm really around of few, who work blindly where they are not happy, working in night shifts, in bad surroundings, in politics just to sake of money. The money which gives them lavish life, account balance and new dreams which can earn by money only. And opposite of this, I know many, who really follow heart/mind which never gives them money like others who follow only brain but gives happiness which never gets only with Brain. They are happy, not only because they are following their own mind, but doing same they can give someone a life/hope by thinking from their point of view. They are happy to share some of money which they have earn by following mind. This really makes a difference. They are satisfy with what little they have earn alike who never gets satisfy by following only brain to achieve a dreams which can only fulfilled by money.

It's true Our Mind and Brain are so opposite that we need to pull them together to think ins single direction. But it's not as easy as writing on this. It's something like pushing the South pole to South pole or North pole to North pole of two powerful magnets which are equal and opposite with full strength. But putting this together only can achieve both happiness with money. You can't do everything with money if you don't have anyone around you and same you can't only share happiness without earning money. Both Brian and Mind are incomplete without each other, but they can't go in one direction as well.

Try to make them ONE and follow them together. "Brain is path to your destiny, which decide by Mind", So what's in your mind?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Shoes without aim

‘Ooopppsss!!!... miss that’ or ‘Thank god !!! he miss that’ I don’t know which was your reaction when you’ve seen the world’s first ever shoes protest incident against US or US President Mr. George Bush by Iraqi journalist Mr. Muntazer al-Zaidi in 2008. Al-zaidi must have unaware before doing this, but he gave a unique way to protesting and get famous in world, though we Indians are denying and trying to be a premier inventor of such protest. Some Indian news channels were trying to find the old news/ videos to be or push Indian on first place. Lets give a credit to Al-zaidi, who is real hero for most of the protesters around the globe. I must say, it is a unique and interesting way to protest. The news may be old but the impact of such incident is still in the world. There are more than 15 such cases has been logged till date and this will continue in future for sure.

When I asked one of friend, what you think? Is it a right to throw a shoe like this? The answer was (as expected), “There is nothing wrong doing anything, if you have valid and strong reasons behind that”.

I wonder can a shoe throwing resolve a purpose with such high value drama? I don’t think. Let’s check the Indian impacts and results;

Start from Home Minister P Chidambaram who gets shoe from Journalist Jarnail Singh on 7th April 2009 to protest against the answer to a question on the Central Bureau of Investigation's (CBI) clean chit to Congress leader Jagdish Tytler on the 1984 anti-Sikh massacre. Result of this is nothing, Jagdish Tytler is still in Congress party and recently he gets clean chit again by Supreme Court and CBI.

In April 2009 Mr. Rajmal Singh Saharan, Principal of a Government School in Babain village hurled a shoes to Congress MP Navin Jindal for protesting the congress policies. Result of this is, Congress has not change the policy, but change the Principal of that Gov. School. Saying something must be changed after this.

In same month of April 2009, BJP worker Pawas Aggarwal feel party is away behind in this new publicity, so he throws a slipper, not sure about the reason behind this, but some say it was protest against for not allowing to wear shoes in really. Result of this is clueless.

Aug 2010, suspended Jammu and Kashmir head constable hurled a shoe at chief minister Omar Abdullah in protest against his suspension order, I suppose. Result is nothing in this or may be pending we could say.

Now the very latest is yesterday, a 21 year old Shakti Singh throws a shoe to Haryana CM B.S. Hooda. This was due to frustration; Shakti Singh had received a bullet injury during a police firing incident, I don't know when this was happen. But that time, the government promised him cash relief of Rs 10 lakh and a government job. But he says none of the promises have been fulfilled so far. Result for this would be, he may get cheque of 10 Lakh which never get cleared and may not get any job.

All above incidents had happen, were aimless, none of them have had hit anyone and none of the problem is resolved by that.

Now awaiting for next shoes hurled which may hit on TARGET.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Common Wealth Games 2010

'Commonwealth Games' is the second largest sports festival in the world, after Olympic Games. The Games are held once in four years but only in between the Olympic years. The Games were originally known as the 'British Empire Games'. This history suggest the Commonwealth games has it's own reputation, strength and value since the first game organized by Commonwealth Games federation in 1930 at Hamilton, Canada.
Since then India is 1st ever Asian country to host the games in year 2010. This suppose to be a proud movement for all Asia, specially India. But unfortunately from last few days the kind of news spread around the globe about the CWG is definitely pinch Indians, at least those who are love games, but not political games. I would say I'm one of them who really want to have games without any political interference.
So the question in my mind is; is this a real CommonWealth Games for athletics or just a Wealth game for Politicians or Businessmen? Who is gaining what out of this? Let's summarize the plan since Indian have own the battle to host the CWG.
It was in year 2003, when world was just finished the 17th CommonWealth Games 2002 in Manchester, UK. That was really a fantastic event for 72 nation who was participated in. Year 2003 bring a India and Asia smile when CWG committee announced about the 2010 CWG hosting nation, that is India, Delhi. The Indian Government announce this news and start the discussion in Parliament over to decide the venues, Infrastructure cost and making an outcome of this Games, in short the price tag of the Game and making business out of this. So the deal was decided by CWG India or Gov. in Rs 296 crore. for upgradation of sports infrastructure and conduct of games, with expenditure on security and Games Village to be incurred by the government and Delhi Development Authority. It was high for 2003, but hosting a CWG is more prestigious for nation so concluded to go ahead with the cost. Rs 296 crore. is included the cost of $100,000 which we donate/bribed/gifted etc to UK and Australia each. I'm still confuse on this why? :(
According to the plan and Indian Olympic Association reports says, Games will be beneficiary for all Indian athletics future. This will be a pride for Indian and we could have proposed to host a major events like Olympic Games by next 10 year down the line of the CWG. So the plans started by IOA and the report suggest that the updated bid document of December 2003 estimated the operating expenditure alone at Rs 635 crore and other expenditure at Rs 1,200 crore. It goes on to quote the minister's reply later in December 2003 in Lok Sabha stating that as per IOA estimates, the likely expenditure on the conduct of the Games was Rs 399.05 crore. This did not include the cost of construction of Games Village (estimated at Rs 186 crore) and an estimated expenditure of Rs 32.5 crore for construction of an outdoor and indoor stadium at the Yamuna Sports complex and upgradation of existing infrastructure under the DDA. In May-June 2006, it was reported that cost of the Games had escalated to Rs 500 crore. In July 2006, union minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, Mani Shankar Aiyar, came out with his own projections. He said the Games would cost Rs 7000 crore but adding that no more than Rs 2000 crore should actually be spent on the event. The first budget for the Games approved by the Cabinet in April 2007 estimated the total expenditure at around Rs 3,566 crore. Means the cost which we'd plan to host the event was merely Rs 296 crore is whip up to Rs 3,566 crore in just 4 years i.e. 10 times. and the recently sports Minister of India M.S. Gill announced total cost for infrastructure, expenditure and all events will be ONLY 37,000 crores. However, in the case of Delhi's Commonwealth Games, official cost estimates have gone up by a whopping 525% since the city won the bid. Unofficial assessments put the escalation at a mind boggling 1575% - that is more than 15 times the original estimate.
It's unfortunate that the CWG is in highlight for SCAM not for any games. Started from Landon Queen's Baton Relay, Toilet papers, Balloon for Opening and closing ceremony, SMAM advertising agency to many more. The list is endless, so the black money is involved in this as well. For me Kalmadi, M.S. Gill, Sheila is culprit and involved in each and every deal to renovate the Delhi and get commission from each and every service provider. There is no evidence against them and they can just wipe the hands from this shit saying some stupid excuse, but how can a common man will believe this? What we do after every news comes on media about CWG? We read/listen and forget the things to allow them to get in to new Games of politics or Money.
This is really bothering me when I try to calculate what we are getting out of this? name of new scam, new faces, new politics and no new games...
We are proudly saying 'India is most corrupted nation in this world' and I hope will continue this till our next generation think over it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Process of thinking

What do you think about thinking?
Most of us probably think we do a lot of it, but we don't. True, for most of us, there is an endless stream of chatter drifting through our consciousness. But self-talk isn't thinking. It's just commentary. It's just an automatic regurgitation of opinions and beliefs. That automatic commentary often leads to negative and us down. 

Thinking means the conscious formulation of ideas. Thinking suggests deliberate thoughts that serve a purpose. So little true thinking takes place that it caused two great minds to make the following comments. Some would argue that we avoid thinking to avoid thinking about death, but that's another subject. 

Someone has said it wisely -- "Some persons do first, think afterward, and then repent forever." 

When we think before we act, or consider the consequences of our actions, we can prevent many disasters.  Marcus Aurelius is wrote "Very little is needed to make a happy life;" he adds, "Life is good when we think it's good. Life is bad when we don't think." So true ! 

One of the most powerful forms of thinking is reflection or contemplation. Simply put, it is careful thought, or thinking things through. In other words, we weigh the pros and cons or benefits and liabilities of a particular course of action. However, we don't want to overdo it. After all, if we make a mistake, we can learn from it and move on, but not to act at all is to remain frozen in time. 

If you are unhappy with life, change the way you think about it. In other words, change your perspective. Change the way you see things. Learn to see the good that surrounds you. Sometimes we are so busy looking for flaws, imperfections, and problems that that is all we see. Constructive thinking is a life skill that leads to opportunities and personal growth. 

I am sharing a poem by C. Flynn on 'GREATNESS', which indeed is very thought provoking; 

"A man is as great as the dreams he dreams, And the happiness he shares… 
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks, As the worth he has attained; And the insight he has gained… 
A man is as great as the truth he speaks, As great as the help he gives, As great as the destiny he seeks, As great as the life he lives" !