Monday, August 30, 2010

What if we failed?

I failed again :( ... Yes it's not first time i failed to do something, but I feel very upset whenever I failed to do something which I really wanted to do in life. It's not that easy to just follow your heart without thinking about anything. Life is not that easy and simple at all. Life always give you surprise, when you least expected of any. It test you when you are not prepare or in bad time to give any test. But this is life, never go in way what we need or want. Like everyone, I feel like uuuummmmmmm....... or some time uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm more frustration when things are not going in my way.

'Time has answer for most of the questions' but what we need to do till Time gives an answer. Shall we wait? but waiting is waste of time. Shall we try again? But what If we Failed again? more frustration. Shall we give up? No never, We're not born to give up that easily. Then what to do in unstable mind state? with confuse and frustrated mental? May be hyper for most of the people like me. In such situation we never find a way to get things in our way. And this lead to more serious problem in life. Most common is -ve thinking take over on us and we assume things which may not real. We try to rationalize the things and make a situation more complicated then ever. This disturb us more in our normal daily life and was give us break to think else. I know easy to write what the situation would be after failed, but very difficult to come out for anyone.

Failing is part of life, we have to fail to realize and enjoy the success. Failing really increase the value of Success which we never thought. What is a point, if there is no struggle to achieve something in life? Every living things has it's own struggle. Take any example, you will find there is failure (in fact huge failure) before things get success. Every human fail to do something new in his life, but never stop for anything. This is life, so think how we should come out of the failure mind set rather think over failure. But hey, keep this Failure in mind, it's really wonderful to have history of failures and keep walking in life to not face same failure again.

We suppose to gather all small, big, bigger moments of success from our life along with failure moments. When we failed start think about the small or even smaller success about our life and look forward to catch new. Start with small and go to the higher or biggest success you've made in life to cheer you up. Keep Failure in mind to keep you alert when you are on top of success. The biggest and common mistakes we do is 'we forget the failure when we are on TOP of success and forget the success when we Failed'. I know easy to say and very common line we could hear when we fail, but really true and most required line when either Fail or Success.

So, what if we failed? We'll try again, we'll wait and try again, we'll try another way, will get another chance again but never give up, unless you try with all your strength.

"everything is not possible for everyone in single life"

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