Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Process of thinking

What do you think about thinking?
Most of us probably think we do a lot of it, but we don't. True, for most of us, there is an endless stream of chatter drifting through our consciousness. But self-talk isn't thinking. It's just commentary. It's just an automatic regurgitation of opinions and beliefs. That automatic commentary often leads to negative and us down. 

Thinking means the conscious formulation of ideas. Thinking suggests deliberate thoughts that serve a purpose. So little true thinking takes place that it caused two great minds to make the following comments. Some would argue that we avoid thinking to avoid thinking about death, but that's another subject. 

Someone has said it wisely -- "Some persons do first, think afterward, and then repent forever." 

When we think before we act, or consider the consequences of our actions, we can prevent many disasters.  Marcus Aurelius is wrote "Very little is needed to make a happy life;" he adds, "Life is good when we think it's good. Life is bad when we don't think." So true ! 

One of the most powerful forms of thinking is reflection or contemplation. Simply put, it is careful thought, or thinking things through. In other words, we weigh the pros and cons or benefits and liabilities of a particular course of action. However, we don't want to overdo it. After all, if we make a mistake, we can learn from it and move on, but not to act at all is to remain frozen in time. 

If you are unhappy with life, change the way you think about it. In other words, change your perspective. Change the way you see things. Learn to see the good that surrounds you. Sometimes we are so busy looking for flaws, imperfections, and problems that that is all we see. Constructive thinking is a life skill that leads to opportunities and personal growth. 

I am sharing a poem by C. Flynn on 'GREATNESS', which indeed is very thought provoking; 

"A man is as great as the dreams he dreams, And the happiness he shares… 
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks, As the worth he has attained; And the insight he has gained… 
A man is as great as the truth he speaks, As great as the help he gives, As great as the destiny he seeks, As great as the life he lives" ! 

1 comment:

  1. Kya baat hai!
    I am definitely thinking that you're thinking!
    Keep going buddy. May the force be with you as always.
