Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Power to make Wealth

Power is a sign that you can change something as you need or want. Everyone/everything needs a Power, Power to think, Power act, Power to do, Power to lead, Power to follow Power to write, Power to say. Everything is Power and Power is everything but Everything needs a Power. Power is invisible unless you realize it with in you. You may never know what kind of Power you may have. Every sense is Power, every thought is Power, every word is Power, every move is Power. Power is to make others to you or surrender yourself to others. Power to understand others or Power to express to others. Power to keep quite when time comes or to clam others when you want. Need Power to down one or to lift others. Need a Power to prove Right or Wrong and need a Power to use a Power. So with out Power we are nothing. We don't know who we are unless we use a Power we have.

Power is everything, but we need to understand the value of Power to use in life. Use Power in such way that help us to achieve what we want. Power never gets waste, but wrongly applied Power can bring us down in life. Once we understand the 'Theory of Power' we can apply that in our practical life to uphold where we are or go further where we want. Nothing is easy as we think, but we need to apply Power to makes every thing possible. Power of sense to think and Power of act to apply in life.

Powerful is a person who convert his each and every Power to get something better to create wealth.

So start using 'Power' to make life wealthy.

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