Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Common Wealth Games 2010

'Commonwealth Games' is the second largest sports festival in the world, after Olympic Games. The Games are held once in four years but only in between the Olympic years. The Games were originally known as the 'British Empire Games'. This history suggest the Commonwealth games has it's own reputation, strength and value since the first game organized by Commonwealth Games federation in 1930 at Hamilton, Canada.
Since then India is 1st ever Asian country to host the games in year 2010. This suppose to be a proud movement for all Asia, specially India. But unfortunately from last few days the kind of news spread around the globe about the CWG is definitely pinch Indians, at least those who are love games, but not political games. I would say I'm one of them who really want to have games without any political interference.
So the question in my mind is; is this a real CommonWealth Games for athletics or just a Wealth game for Politicians or Businessmen? Who is gaining what out of this? Let's summarize the plan since Indian have own the battle to host the CWG.
It was in year 2003, when world was just finished the 17th CommonWealth Games 2002 in Manchester, UK. That was really a fantastic event for 72 nation who was participated in. Year 2003 bring a India and Asia smile when CWG committee announced about the 2010 CWG hosting nation, that is India, Delhi. The Indian Government announce this news and start the discussion in Parliament over to decide the venues, Infrastructure cost and making an outcome of this Games, in short the price tag of the Game and making business out of this. So the deal was decided by CWG India or Gov. in Rs 296 crore. for upgradation of sports infrastructure and conduct of games, with expenditure on security and Games Village to be incurred by the government and Delhi Development Authority. It was high for 2003, but hosting a CWG is more prestigious for nation so concluded to go ahead with the cost. Rs 296 crore. is included the cost of $100,000 which we donate/bribed/gifted etc to UK and Australia each. I'm still confuse on this why? :(
According to the plan and Indian Olympic Association reports says, Games will be beneficiary for all Indian athletics future. This will be a pride for Indian and we could have proposed to host a major events like Olympic Games by next 10 year down the line of the CWG. So the plans started by IOA and the report suggest that the updated bid document of December 2003 estimated the operating expenditure alone at Rs 635 crore and other expenditure at Rs 1,200 crore. It goes on to quote the minister's reply later in December 2003 in Lok Sabha stating that as per IOA estimates, the likely expenditure on the conduct of the Games was Rs 399.05 crore. This did not include the cost of construction of Games Village (estimated at Rs 186 crore) and an estimated expenditure of Rs 32.5 crore for construction of an outdoor and indoor stadium at the Yamuna Sports complex and upgradation of existing infrastructure under the DDA. In May-June 2006, it was reported that cost of the Games had escalated to Rs 500 crore. In July 2006, union minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, Mani Shankar Aiyar, came out with his own projections. He said the Games would cost Rs 7000 crore but adding that no more than Rs 2000 crore should actually be spent on the event. The first budget for the Games approved by the Cabinet in April 2007 estimated the total expenditure at around Rs 3,566 crore. Means the cost which we'd plan to host the event was merely Rs 296 crore is whip up to Rs 3,566 crore in just 4 years i.e. 10 times. and the recently sports Minister of India M.S. Gill announced total cost for infrastructure, expenditure and all events will be ONLY 37,000 crores. However, in the case of Delhi's Commonwealth Games, official cost estimates have gone up by a whopping 525% since the city won the bid. Unofficial assessments put the escalation at a mind boggling 1575% - that is more than 15 times the original estimate.
It's unfortunate that the CWG is in highlight for SCAM not for any games. Started from Landon Queen's Baton Relay, Toilet papers, Balloon for Opening and closing ceremony, SMAM advertising agency to many more. The list is endless, so the black money is involved in this as well. For me Kalmadi, M.S. Gill, Sheila is culprit and involved in each and every deal to renovate the Delhi and get commission from each and every service provider. There is no evidence against them and they can just wipe the hands from this shit saying some stupid excuse, but how can a common man will believe this? What we do after every news comes on media about CWG? We read/listen and forget the things to allow them to get in to new Games of politics or Money.
This is really bothering me when I try to calculate what we are getting out of this? name of new scam, new faces, new politics and no new games...
We are proudly saying 'India is most corrupted nation in this world' and I hope will continue this till our next generation think over it.

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