Friday, August 27, 2010

What's in your mind?

Brain is incredible organ of human body. It's so complicated that Surgeons are still confuse and trying to dig every part of tiny brain to get more information. It's so precisely made by GOD, that nobody can challenge or think better than it's own design. We usually says, our Brain is creator of every single small thoughts. Every single thoughts from Brain has it's own value. Sometimes it's just a sake of output of our brain, which may be stupid, weird ideas, or incredible innovation for others. You never know what it would be the output of your own Brain unless it come out. Brain is awesome thing, but some time we get confuse and follow something else and ignore our Brain. Who is that something? is that somebody else who go against our own thoughts and give us something else which we follow blindly?

Using my Brain i try to think a lot on this, but couldn't find the perfect answer and i lead (or mislead) by something else which is against my own thoughts of Brain. I don't know what to say about that SOMETHING. Some say it's heart, some say it's Mind and some say it's soul which is hidden and helping brain to think what exactly you want. So what is exactly MIND/HEART/SOUL? There is no specific answer from anyone yet. If it's hidden then why and how it thinks? and why we should follow that? when we have our own Brain which is visible and why we can't just ignore Mind/heart completely? When I think over this using my Brain and Mind (Which is invisible) along, I found some strange answers.

Like Brain, Mind represent you, your inner thoughts and yourself. You can do anything, say anything or act anything as your brain but your Mind plays a finest role in every activity of yours to represent to the world. We all are centered to our MIND, no matter how we react on our Minds action or reaction.

Every thoughts which comes out of our Brain is in our mind as well. Its say something to you and most of us just ignore what our mind say and just follow what our Brain says. But you can't ignore one and just follow other. When we think about something in brain, our mind divert us to something else. And when we follow our Mind few steps, our brain interrupt us and force us to do back on things. Both are not wrong, but confuse us more and so we say 'I can't concentrate'.

I don't know who follow what? So I decided to experiment on myself.

I try to follow my mind for every questions. For every question, my Mind gives me emotional answer, which really a better point of view to the world. I started to think about others, to respect others and value other human personal, I see happy faces around me and feel very happy to share happiness as they want. I become very very cool and finest person among all around me. They are happy cause I'm thinking from them, of them and for them, rather me or I. I'm loosing my success or money in this period, but I was happy to being up lift by everyone around me. After some time I realize this leads me on a track where I get more confuse and forget about myself. Where is Myself in all those question/answer? I was in need of answers which are center to me. I lost ME/I from every question. Where is I or self? I don't want an answers which are from others point of view only and gives me more confusion or trouble to find me or I.

So I switched and started to follow my Brain. Brain is really smart and gives me a perfect answer of any question what I was looking. Perfect and Practical I must say. I become very professional by this and gaining more success/money and status which i dream of. I'm happy to know that my Brain is best in world for any questions related to me. But seems it's so perfect and practical that I started to cut few of my close relations, friends and dearest one, who were really around me when I was no-one and still want to be around me when I'm someone. I started hurt them by being practical and giving practical answers. There is nothing wrong in that but my Mind is diluted with my own brain thoughts and I'm ignoring my mind completely over my Brain. I'm start loosing my friends and my dearest one who were really lifts me up when I was following my heart/mind.

So none of the one from both Brain and Mind gives right for me. Finally this concluded that, we, human has to follow both, Brain and Mind along to get success and social. There are many who follow brain for money, but never follow heart/mind for happiness. I'm really around of few, who work blindly where they are not happy, working in night shifts, in bad surroundings, in politics just to sake of money. The money which gives them lavish life, account balance and new dreams which can earn by money only. And opposite of this, I know many, who really follow heart/mind which never gives them money like others who follow only brain but gives happiness which never gets only with Brain. They are happy, not only because they are following their own mind, but doing same they can give someone a life/hope by thinking from their point of view. They are happy to share some of money which they have earn by following mind. This really makes a difference. They are satisfy with what little they have earn alike who never gets satisfy by following only brain to achieve a dreams which can only fulfilled by money.

It's true Our Mind and Brain are so opposite that we need to pull them together to think ins single direction. But it's not as easy as writing on this. It's something like pushing the South pole to South pole or North pole to North pole of two powerful magnets which are equal and opposite with full strength. But putting this together only can achieve both happiness with money. You can't do everything with money if you don't have anyone around you and same you can't only share happiness without earning money. Both Brian and Mind are incomplete without each other, but they can't go in one direction as well.

Try to make them ONE and follow them together. "Brain is path to your destiny, which decide by Mind", So what's in your mind?

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