Thursday, July 9, 2015


My wife is good in kitchen and I'm sure anyone can start licking own fingers after a plateful of meal made by her. She is better when it comes to Non-Veg and I assure you that you will stretch your stomach to stuff as much as you can. She know the meaning of phrase  'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'. A perfect Wife for me :). Though she is good in cooking, I am fond of the foods from different places around the places. Nothing that I am expert in food, but I like to pamper my tongue than my tummy. The taste drive me to different restaurants than my hunger. Every Weekend (specially on Saturday) I spend time with my friends for party. They booze testing their Kidneys and I food stretching my intestine.

From last Saturday I was not just eating out, but actually hogging, whatever is coming to my plate. Saturday morning was special, as promise to my Son, I went on trekking with him on Sinhgad, (a fort near Pune). I used to go there for exercise, many go there for trekking or practicing the Everest Base Camp training and Foodie go there to enjoy some authentic Maharashtrian spicy food on table top area of the fort. I was with family, so it was for sight scene, photography and food only. The day had started with amazing note with family and ended with my friends in some restaurant with spicy food. Sunday was fasting day for 'Ganesh Chathurthi', hence instead of eating less or nothing I usually eat lot of 'Khichadi' till late dinner at home. Monday heavy breakfast as usual and to office with home cooked food. Expecting a normal lunch in office, I was out with office colleagues to newely opened Asian Cuisine restaurant at Asian-Box near to office. It was unavoidable birthday treat from one colleague. The tasty food from hotel was so tempting, that I had more than I should have on weekdays, deciding to skip my evening snacks and dinner.

Sometime you can strict with you body but not with your heart, specially a lost friend called you for dinner :). I couldn't deny his offer and went to meet him, but with prepared mind to say no to food. This friend of mine is like a Bag of Emotions to trap me in his sweet mouth words to break my own commitment. I had full Mutton Biryani. Monday I had to skip my morning jogging due to Sunday late night dinner and sweet home made Modak on Chathurthi. So do Tuesday, cause I can't feel to get out from my bed after heavy Biryani. Tuesday morning, I had decided to do light breakfast and lunch, but no Dinner at any cost.

My oath went to vain on second consecutive day and I found myself in south Maharashtrain restaurant for dinner with couple of friends. I had authentic spicy mouth watering non-veg food, with 2 and half Chapati and small portion of Biryani. But trust me, the food was so delicious and spicy with perfectly cooked red meat, I can't control my hand, tongue and tummy to consume till I lick my little finger with satisfy burp.

You don't need a doctor or any dietitian to tell you that you are on right path to become short-term foodie to long term fatty. The problem is we know everything (thanks to smart phone and n number of free adviser on internet). You may find a list to do the things, but end result will depend on you and you and you only. 

Next morning on Wednesday, I was bedding like lazy fox, wondering which bed side is easy to get up. I knew if I can't stop now, there is no way I can stop in future. This month is holy month for all Hindus and Muslims. For Hindu it's Adhik Mass (Extra Month like a leap years comes once in 4 years) comes once in 3 year. This month Hindus keep fasting and avoid to eat non-veg, except some people like me :). For Muslims, it's Ramzan month and they keep a fasting for whole day with out a single drop of water. Inspiring from this, on Wednesday I have decided to keep 'Langhan' (fasting) for a day. It was nothing related to any religion, but consideration to rest my tummy after 5 days feast. 

'Langhan' means 'Fasting' by dictionary in English, but it also means 'Control'. Control to say NO, Control on your mind, Control to think over your decisions. Control on your body.

I spent whole day on water, making sure I'm not touching any solid food. Oh yes..., I had 3, half-cup of tea, but swear nothing apart from that. The out come is more than I expected.

1. A person like me who do the heavy breakfast everyday, Said 'NO' for Breakfast
2. Reject the offer to go out with colleague for lunch.
3. Evening snacks was tempting by it's smell, but purposely I'd avoid to roam in cafeteria.
4. By evening my tummy was making lot of weird sound and giving me single to have food, but I tested my control.
5. I almost tumble down while crossing the food stall when I was out from office.
6. I was sensing my nose getting more sharper by every street food stall I'm crossing on way to home.
7. Eyes are lustfully searching for food in fridge, when I reached home.
8. When I was about to grab full pot of my favorite (that day even a worst food would have become my favorite food) sweet dish, I reminding my self to control on my hand.
9. By night I was feeling uneasy and tummy with imploring for food.
10. Finally I have decided to have food, but end up with a cup of cold milk and 'Gulkand' to kill my acidity.
11. By last glass of water for a day before bed, I had consume 5-6 litter of water, 3, half-cup tea and 1 cup of cold milk with Gulkand.
12. I could felt the water actually touching my tongue, going through my throat, giving me a sensation of temporary relief while reaching to my empty stomach and sending a satisfaction message to brain.

Today (Thursday) when I woke up in morning, I felt really light weight and fresh compare to last 5 days heavy dose of food. I had my usual warm water to prepare first byte of food after 'Langhan'. It was a perfect breakfast to break my fasting, 3 (normal size) chapati with Ghee (butter) and sugar. It was a treat to my tummy after more than 24 hours :)

It was a good experiment and hopefully will try this again. I will do the Langhan to control my greed for food.

It's good to have food for your body and not for your tongue. In Marathi 'जगण्यासाठी खा, खाण्यासाठीजगू नका' 

P.S. Do not try to do such experiment by own, unless you sure about your body and stamina.

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