Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Slow and Steady with your Body

Last year, I was about to cross 100 KG mark. I was not feeling Proud, but neither I felt any shame on my body nor guilt to being a overweight. Until one odd day, when our office lift was down for maintenance and I have to take stairs. I halted on second floor for good breath of air. I was literally pulling myself to climb up and Somehow manage to climb 5+1 stories building to reach office. I was unable to keep my breath in control for next 30 min. That was a sign, I am getting older (crossing 32 age) and fattier (95+ KG).

Before I could have cross the three figure mark and become one of the joke for others, I started to find a way to be in shape. I don't wanted to start something fast and stop after a while.... My aim was not get SIX pack or get slim and skinny, but to be moderate and balance weight according to my age (now 35). I wanted to do it very slow, but consistently as I go.

I started with 10 simple steps below and that worked perfectly for me. In years time, I'm back in shape. Though I'm still 2 KG more as per BMI calculation, but that is more because of my tongue. It goes out of control when my eyes see delicious food in front. Sometime I can't control her, but I try to compensate in workout next day to balance my eating habit.

1. Early to BED, Early to rise
I used to sleep around 11-12 at midnight, so my first alarm was at 8:00 AM. This has been changed to 10-10:30 PM now and wake up timing is 5:30-6:00 AM except Weekends (My weekend timings are very odd, depends on friends and parties)

2. 3-5 KM Walking/Jogging or 10-15 KM Cycle 
Start with very minimal exercise before your body gets adjust with physical workout. Don't stretch your legs or body from day one. Start with small walk by few meters, feel your breath, stretch your arms, kick your legs. Do it for few minutes daily. Increase the activity as you go. This stage is very important, don't rush on this part. Enhance the rate of walking and distance and duration.

3. A glass of Warm Water to start a day
Have a Glass of warm water after workout. That will help to control the temperature of body and activate stomach for food. For a taste you can add lemon, honey, ginger or anything (no sweet), but I prefer plain water.

4. Heavy Breakfast (before 9:00 AM)
Try to have as much as you can in morning session, no matter what work you do or what you eat for rest of the day, but never skip breakfast. Please avoid the last night food or bakery products only to start your day.

5. Moderate lunch (1-2:00 PM)
I can't tell, how much is suffice for you but don't overeat or hog on lunch. Just have enough to keep you hungry for evening snacks. If you can't control on lunch habits, try to reduce the quantity step by step. Don't just change the lunch pattern.

6. Evening Snacks (4-5:00 PM)
After lunch, this is the time where you can feed yourself with something you can enjoy. Take small portion of anything you like, a slices of bread butter jam or biscuits or anything which suffice to keep you hungry in just 2-3 hours.

7 Dinner (7-8 PM)
Can you skip Dinner? If yes, then good. Don't enforce to skip the dinner, if you are craving for food, don't wait for morning breakfast. Find something which you don't like most and not sweet or contain sugar (BTW, Rice contain only WATER no sugar). You can have anything but in small portion. Best way to use smallest and shallow plate and/or small spoon instead of your normal plate for dinner. Eat slowly as you can. It would be good if you can finish your dinner before 8:00 PM.

8. Walk
Don't just seat to make your chair warm. Take nice walk near your house, check your neighborhood, socialize with people and make new friends. Take at least 1000 steps out of your house before bed. If you have dog, this is the time to take him for walk :)

9. Warm Water
Before your go to bed take a glass of warm water to prepare your body to digest everything you had for a day.

10. Go to Bed
Take a good story book and read till you feel sleepy. Sleep like a baby to energize your body for next day.

Changing habits are very difficult, hence my suggestion is to go slow, but follow all steps everyday. Don't stretch yourself by going to Gym or any weight loss program, unless you know what you are doing.

Bad Habits made you fat, Good Habits will make you slim. 

Images are take from internet, I'm not claiming it's mine.
It work for me doesn't' mean it will work for all.
Please consult your doctor or dietitian before applying anything from above tips.
Eating habits may need to change, depend on person to person.
This is my personal experience, have not copy from anywhere.
Please Do not copy or replication in any form without the express and written authorization of me.

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