Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup

I do know why I pick this book, no...not by the name of the book or I'm fan of suspense books, but only by name of author, Mr. Vikas Swarup.

I never heard of his name till I enjoyed a Oscar winning movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'. That movie made a History for many Indian artiest, A award for music director A. R. Rahman, Singer Sukhwinder Singh and Gulzar for lyricist. The story was amazing and plot picked from the Book 'Q&A' novel. I really wanted to grab that book after watching movie, but never got a chance to buy that book. Though, I can't read such books after watching movie from same plot. I read books to impreove my imagination power and i love to involve in story when I visualize as I read. I think, I stop imaging and always relate to the charterers from movie and expecting a end of novel as I saw in movie. That is the reason, when there was a buzz about the new Movie, on novel 'Shantaram' by Gregory David Roberts, I grab the book and read out as soon I can. Fortunately/unfortunately that movie never come out and I'm still happy to have my own version of book in my mind.

After watching Slumdog Millionaire, I wanted to follow the Vikas Swarup and was looking to check his another book. In 2010 I cross with this book, 'SIX SUSPECTS', before any second thought, I was holding that book, before anyone from Hollywood or Bollywood director start writing a plot or script on that.

The book is a good read and built a nice plot till last page. Guessing of the killer is difficult and surprise elements at the last chapter of the book is good to keep you hanging without exploring the real killer. From first page you could start imaging the characters from that book and all characters has it's own world, narrated by Author. The book takes you every part of India, from Delhi typical Hippocratic, emotionless, corrupt Political world to Andaman ever green nature loving people... From Sadhus in Uttar Pradesh to Nigerian con, roaming in Chennai... From Sweet people of Kolkotta to Victim of Bhopal gas tragedy... From Rajasthan Marwad to Delhi street thief..... The book is perfectly written to give glimpse of each part of India in well manner. There is a forgain character too, who gives a international overlook, including a some hidden war between Indian, Pakistan and Afganistan. Inclusion of the CIA, FBI, Terrorist in Kashmir, ISI and name of the International Business tycoon make this story more interesting. The words and outlook plotted by author makes you to create a picture of each sequence while you read.

As title says, there are SIX suspects for a murdering Politician son Viky Rai. The murder happen to be in his Farmhouse where he was hosting a party for being acquittal from murdering bar attendant long back. The all suspects has their own story and motive to kill the host. The party was for celebration, where many people got invited and some got dropped themselves to kill Viky Rai.

Ultimate suspense end up in last chapter, where we agree with Author for Indian Judiciary system and Money/Power is stronger than anything. Law and death is different for rich and poor.

Very interesting suspense story end with many questions though, but really a nice pick for suspense book readers..

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