Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The art of Seating...

There is no way I can teach anyone, Where to seat and How to seat, but certainly, can help you with how to seat PROPERLY to avoid the neck pain, specially when you are in front of the Computer.

I have learn this technique from someone on internet, could not remember name of that fellow and Video URL too... :( I do remember the key elements from that technique, because I'm using since that day. I had a very bad neck and back pain. Apart from medication I am following below steps, which helps me to cure the back-pain sooner than I was expected.

Those who are work freak in front of TV/Computer screen, need to understand human spine is flexible, hence be careful as you walk/seat or do anything with your back. Spine start from neck to tail bone at end of our back. A wrong habit of seating position may damage our spine permanently. So beware of posture and understand the simple technique to comfort your back when you are in front of screen.

It's best for all of us to make a habit of this, no matter what surface your using to rest your butt :) The below steps will not take more than 5 seconds to make you comfortable on chair. Do not skip any of the step from below list.

1. Choose the comfortable chair for you.
2. Make height adjust according to you and screen of your computer.
3. Eye sight and Computer screen must in straight line.
4. Follow all possible instructions from picture attached.
5. Stand still in front of chair.
6. Pull all muscles of your heap.... pull inward as much as you can.
7. Take a breath...
8. Make your stomach muscles tight. Pretend, somebody is going to hit you on your stomach.
9.  Relax your shoulders.... don't load on shrugs
10. Seat on your chair with without breath out.

It's human tendency to relax, dropping shoulders and bend forward as we seat for long time. Whenever you feel, you are lower and arching your back, stand up again and follow the steps from 5 to 10.

Follow these all steps, till it becomes part of your daily habits.

Disclaimer: -
Image is taken from Internet,
The instructions are useful for me, I can't guaranty it will work for everyone.
This instructions are not manual from Doctors or experts, but I found it useful and worthy to share for humanity.

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