Tuesday, October 20, 2015

You pay for experience

Have you failed, ever? I am sure the answer will be YES. We learnt from our Failures. Doing Mistakes and Fail to find a path, makes us strong mentally to make things better in next chance. Only if we understand our mistake and learnt from it. :) Doing mistake while seeking 'Success' is part of big success.

Recently I was in touch with a person who believe 'Success' is the game of not FAILING. I disagree with him. Failure is the ongoing process towards the success and Success is the ongoing process, which has no specific end.

Last month I was in discussion with same person 'a so-called friend', to start experimental business idea. Every business has two parts, 'An Idea' which has core value and Execution over that Idea, has practical value. Both values are as important as two legs for a human. We both were putting lots of efforts to execute the Idea in to practical. The area of business was new, hence we have to educate ourselves on every step to go further. It was brainstorming time for of us. Challenges coming from every level, collect all inputs for idea to come alive, changing the execution plan every day, updating priority list and execution according to situation at that time and so on. In short, learning experience like people usually get in any other start-ups. It was a partnership, for collective efforts with common goal.

Partnership had happened at mental level, whereas one should take care of the execution part and other take care of the thought process part to make sure we are on same page to achieve 'an Idea' we had discussed initially. We both were a perfect combination of brain and muscles. Everything was in right direction of common goal of 'Success'. Doing business in Partnership was an Experiment. Experiment to learn how other person thinks, reacts, see the things from his/her angle which we can't see, braking emotional barrier to learnt something beyond friendship And learn to trust someone on a path towards 'Success'.

But I made a mistake... A horrible mistake, I forgot the definition of SUCCESS is depend on person to person. The person was in terms of not to FAIL in anything, however my logic was to do experiment and learn while doing mistakes. It was hard to do no mistake, whether you like it or not. That person start making few mistakes unknowingly. And when point out the mistakes to that person, he/she start defending rather solving the situation. It happened because the persons wrong believes about Success. He/she believes in 'doing mistakes means going opposite of Success'. Such people take success or failure very personally in their life. Such personality comes with EGO.

Every business has ECO system, but in partnership there is only EGO system. If you cant control your EGO everything breaks apart in partnership.

Partnership is an experiment in business and somebody has to pay the price when it breaks. It may not be in terms of money, but it could be emotional, relation, and/or other values of life.

I paid by friendship, relation, respect for that person, Trust and peace of mind. Those are more valuable than money, though. I learnt from this experiment, I need to know the other person's believe system before add him/her in to my success experiment. It was a nice experience for me to do more experiment in a life for Success. I paid for my experience.

Keep in Mind, In Partnership, 'It's not about IDEA, It's an IDEA to make it Happen together'.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rain and Humanity

There suppose to be the October heat in month of October. This means no rain and shiny Sun, dusty weather in day and cold in night. But something is wrong this year and we are still waiting for return Monsoon. The climate is so unpredictable that no matter what smartphone or smart weather app you are using you can't keep ready for upcoming weather in your city. Such weather App may be predicting well in other side of the world, where the news updates from Meteorology department and such apps helping people to decide whether they should step out with Umbrella or not. In India it's typically reversed, when our Apps say there will be Rain for today, we hardly see rain, but raining when it suppose to sunny day. So it's hard to predict in india.

It was last Sunday (11th Oct), I was realxing at home, So my wife request (demand) me to go out for nothing. (Her 'nothing' means, roaming around the streets, shopping mall, dinner and/or ice cream. Sequence may change, but 'nothing' remains same for any weekend). There was no sign of the rain. I checked on my mobile phone too, it show me 'Cloudy, Intermittent Rains'. I didn't bother to take a raincoat for intermittent rain, nor listen to my son who was constantly behind me for car ride.

We were enjoying nice wind on our bike. Chattering with wife and son going from lane to lane from this part of the city to other, where ever free lanes we get. But suddenly it start pouring, so we decided to take a turn to home. With no time it was raining heavily and we have to stop somewhere in shelter till rain stop. Thankfully, we found a old building on our way, near 'Ghole Road'. Building ws old but there was ample space to stand and park my scooter. As soon as we entered, my son shouted at me, 'Papa, I asked you to take car, but you didn't listen to me'. I realize my mistake and I avoid to look to my wife to get more guilty feelings.

We were there for 15-20 min, chatting in general, I was making sure to give them a nice talk so they can forget and forgive my mistake of bike ride instead car ride :). There was no sign of relief from rain as time go rain was heavey like hail. It ws so dark and we couldn't see a road which is just few feet away from us. There was no sign of autos or bike on road. We saw an elderly person enter in the building on his scooter. He was drenched from head to toe, shivering while getting out of his bike. He stands beside us. In conversation with him, I got know he is a Doctor and having clinic in city. He knew this soc as he had a flat in same building, which he sold a 10 years back. Our conversation interrupted by a light beam and horn of the car. We were standing on parking spot of the soc member so we have to give away space to that car.

As car was parked, Car owner step down gave me concern smile and turn toward that elderly man. Soon the car owner recognize that person and bend his head with respect and insist him for cup of tea in his house till rain stop. Elderly man reused few minutes, but can't stand more and headed to the direction of the staircase. the car owner turned towards us and asked me to join, which I refused with respect.

2 minutes passed and we heard a old lady voice from our back, inviting us for a cup of tea in her home. She was the mother of Car owner and came back to get us in her house. We refused 2-3 times but she was so polite and humble with her lovely motherly tone of voice we couldn't stand against her. She littrelly pulled my wife inside her house. It was warm welcome with nice tea and biscuits. My son was bit shy and hesitate to play with Car owners son. By the time we start our conversion with that family, My son setteld and start playing with Car Owners son. (I know I'm still using the 'Car Owner' instead of family name, cause I don't want to disclose his Identity) I really don't have words how overwhelmed we were with this unexpected gesture.

Finally, rain stopped in next 30 min and while saying goodbye to that family we found new door of Humanity.

Help Others to Help Yourself...!!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

Independence after 69 years

If you are in India, means you are bound to know that 15th Aug 1947 is nation's Independence day. Till that time, we depended on the organization named 'East India Company' managed by Britishers. India or Bharat or Hindustan you can say anything but the nation got independence on 15th Aug 1947. This is the story you can hear from anyone who is part of this great country. There are many questions are unanswered, though, is this the only story of Independence? Is independence day celebration is limited for a day in a year? Are we really independent? Don't you think somebody had replaced Britishers to manage us? Are we really aware this Independent India?

We have told that there were freedom fighters who fought hard with Britishers to get the India free from those who were ruling like it's their own property. That time must be difficult for those who lived, as per our history. And I respect those who fought to regain the glory of India back. But really we got the independence or they gave it on their terms?

If you look around we still depend on the system Britishers have developed here. Post Office, Telegram, Telephone, Trains, Hill Stations, Cars, Electricity and many more. There is a huge contribution from Indians too, but planning, implementing and executing must be done by them. Isn't it? Again I'm not taking credit from those great freedom fighters. But If we are independent we suppose to be on the better place on the map of a world after 69th years.

Today, people from the remote area or small villages are still fighting for their daily meal, fresh water, and sanitary solution. A nation who got the independence 69 years back must be able to find some solutions for basic amenities for people. I know it's easy to write a blog on that than implementing it. But something is really wrong with us. If we compare with some nation who got the independence in the same era of 1940-1960 then we are at a 2nd place in growth after Singapour.

The Leader makes law and Law make the country. Indians are best in Ctr C and Ctrl V. Look at our law books, most of the laws are the copy from Britishers. We know the copy paste, but we forgot the implement. We follow the rules and law when we go to other country and respect that law which is as equal to ours, but when we are back, we are same old stubborn people who don't believe in following any law which we have created for sake of our life.

Some celebrate only a DAY as Independence day, wave the flag with pride, sing a famous song dedicated to the country. For some, it's Dry day, so they will make sure to have stock well before dry day start. For some, it's holiday. planning to go for outing with family. For some, it's day to sleep well and stay at home watching leaders speeches. But if ask any single person what is the importance of this day, he won't say more that we got Independence, but nothing beyond that.

Our mind is blocked to understand that it's Freedom to work hard, work more and fly high to reach somewhere beyond imagination. There are few in this crowd to think like this, but those few can't make the whole country. Everyone should contribute to this nation by doing something good, rather cribbing for leaders are not doing anything.

We should be PROUD on our Independence and must be celebrated with full heart and joy, not only for a sake of Day but every day doing something for this great nation... Jai Hind

Let's switch off the phone for 24 hours

It was Sunday late morning. I was waiting for my ride to Pune, Koyana Express on 'Naral Railway Station'. From last 20 minutes my phone was buzzing like anything, continues alert notification on my way to Naral Station from Matheran. Thanks to a smart phone, I had set the different beeps sounds for SMS, WhatsApp, Hike, Facebook, Instagram and many other social media apps, hence could recognize what all alerts were there for. Though I ignored all till I reach the station, but can't hold my ignorance more than 10 minutes. Soon found relax bench on the platform to get busy with my 'Smart Phone'.

So here are the details what notification were buzzing on my 4.7 inch Nokia Lumia 920 Windows phone, 108 Office Mails, 200+ personal emails (Gmail and Hotmail), 278 WhatsApp messages, 13 SMS, 5 Hike Messages, 72 Facebook and 23 Instagram alerts. I'm not social personality nor any celebrity. I'm a normal guy who was out of network for 49 hours only, from 9 AM Friday till 10:00 AM Sunday. In short 108+200+278+13+5+72+23 = 699/ 49 = 14.3, so 14-15 messages per hour...!!! I had never calculated or give damn towards how many messages I go through in 24 hours. These numbers tell the story how much time I spent on my mobile screen. When I comprehend those messages and numbers in details, I found 90% for the alerts, messages are irrelevant for me and my life. It seems that a Smart phone is smartly using me to disturb to myself, isn't it?

Those three days were best days I spent after a long time. No calls or another way of communication with anyone except close friends whom I am with, We were talking face to face rather over Gtalk or Facebook. Expressing yourself with face emotions are the better way to express or convey your feelings than chat emoji. Though my network less brick was very useful. I used it for Torch when there was no electricity or late evening walk outside the hotel, Camera to capture some good moments and to get up from a deep sleep so alarm.

From last few years, it's our annual get together with friends and this is the 3rd time we been to Matheran. But this I felt the difference between being in Network and out of Network. The time has changed and so we are. We are stuck in this mobile network, like a zoo animal, who stuck in caged behind the bar. Try anything we can't go beyond this self-created social media cage.

Life is more beautiful outside of the 4.7-inch screen. No need to go to Matheran to experience that, need the courage to switch off the mobile for at least 24 hours when you are on holidays. Easy it sounds but difficult to do. We are so connected to that virtual world that we like to update our FB status or tell the world that where we are, than checking our self-mental status where we are. No, we don't just stop there, we then regularly check those photos and count the likes, comments and reply to those comments. What kind of holiday we need? Rejuvenating holiday to refresh yourself or updating unimportant people about your personal life... :)

Lets dare to switch off the phone for 24 hours and enjoy the world out of screen.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Walking with Ironman before Title 'IRONMAN'

Saturday and Sinhagad used to be in my calendar (I have stopped going there, don't know why). It was usual Saturday, October cold and windy weather giving me a goosefleshes. Me and my Friend Mangesh started to walk on way to Sinhgad from base village. We were walking like a set robot for his destination and reaching top is our destination. I about to reach to top and saw a white gray hair, perfect shaped body wearing black tees and short walking fast to the top. He was bare feet and was no showing any sign of discomfort while climbing or walking on that difficult patch of the fort. He was along with someone talking about the climate. We almost reach to the 'Pune Darwaja' (Sinhgad fort gate opening towards Pune City) at a same time.

Till the time I didn't notice him and didn't bother to check him too. I had a lime juice refreshment to start my journey to climb down again. Me and Mangesh was about to start the climbing down and saw that personality who was climbing up bare feet. As soon as saw him, I said Mangesh, 'Arey... Ha tar Milind Soman'. That very moment we look at each other and I offer him handshake, which he accept gracefully, without wasting a time. That narrow pathway was blocked by me, Mangesh, Milind and 2-3 more people who were confuse and just staring at him.

That time he was in Pune to promote his 'Pinkthron' (Woman Marathon). I knew he is Punekar and so we started to communicate in Marathi cum English. We discuss a lot about his NGO, 'Pinkthron' and Sinhgad. He told me, this was his first bare feet trek and it was not planned too. He was in Pune and somebody suggest him to go to Sinhagad and he dropped himself here. It was difficult for him, but he was happy he could able to climb up. When asked, he told me why he started bare feet jogging and since when. It was really interesting story and the way he narrate me was inspiring. He got inspired from his mom, not to jog in bare feet but to stay fit, doing so he cross the boundary to be in typical jogging gear, specially shoes.

I really had a good walk that day. We had long and good discussions in that 1 hour. But I don't remember he said any word about the IRONMAN. May be he like to astonish the world with his achievements. He must be believing in Doing things, rather telling. He surprises all doing everything From Model to Actor to Director to fitness freak to bare feet jogger and now the title 'IRONMAN'.

3.8 KM Swimming, 180.2 KM Cycle and 42.2 KM jogging, in 15.19 hours at age of 50. ARE YOU SERIOUS, MILIND? I really don't have any words to say about.

After achieving this, he updated his Facebook page 'ONE IRONMAN DONE'. It seems he is not ready to stop on single IRONMAN title and planning to achieve something more in his life.

I congratulate him on his achievement and wish him a great life ahead.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Slow and Steady with your Body

Last year, I was about to cross 100 KG mark. I was not feeling Proud, but neither I felt any shame on my body nor guilt to being a overweight. Until one odd day, when our office lift was down for maintenance and I have to take stairs. I halted on second floor for good breath of air. I was literally pulling myself to climb up and Somehow manage to climb 5+1 stories building to reach office. I was unable to keep my breath in control for next 30 min. That was a sign, I am getting older (crossing 32 age) and fattier (95+ KG).

Before I could have cross the three figure mark and become one of the joke for others, I started to find a way to be in shape. I don't wanted to start something fast and stop after a while.... My aim was not get SIX pack or get slim and skinny, but to be moderate and balance weight according to my age (now 35). I wanted to do it very slow, but consistently as I go.

I started with 10 simple steps below and that worked perfectly for me. In years time, I'm back in shape. Though I'm still 2 KG more as per BMI calculation, but that is more because of my tongue. It goes out of control when my eyes see delicious food in front. Sometime I can't control her, but I try to compensate in workout next day to balance my eating habit.

1. Early to BED, Early to rise
I used to sleep around 11-12 at midnight, so my first alarm was at 8:00 AM. This has been changed to 10-10:30 PM now and wake up timing is 5:30-6:00 AM except Weekends (My weekend timings are very odd, depends on friends and parties)

2. 3-5 KM Walking/Jogging or 10-15 KM Cycle 
Start with very minimal exercise before your body gets adjust with physical workout. Don't stretch your legs or body from day one. Start with small walk by few meters, feel your breath, stretch your arms, kick your legs. Do it for few minutes daily. Increase the activity as you go. This stage is very important, don't rush on this part. Enhance the rate of walking and distance and duration.

3. A glass of Warm Water to start a day
Have a Glass of warm water after workout. That will help to control the temperature of body and activate stomach for food. For a taste you can add lemon, honey, ginger or anything (no sweet), but I prefer plain water.

4. Heavy Breakfast (before 9:00 AM)
Try to have as much as you can in morning session, no matter what work you do or what you eat for rest of the day, but never skip breakfast. Please avoid the last night food or bakery products only to start your day.

5. Moderate lunch (1-2:00 PM)
I can't tell, how much is suffice for you but don't overeat or hog on lunch. Just have enough to keep you hungry for evening snacks. If you can't control on lunch habits, try to reduce the quantity step by step. Don't just change the lunch pattern.

6. Evening Snacks (4-5:00 PM)
After lunch, this is the time where you can feed yourself with something you can enjoy. Take small portion of anything you like, a slices of bread butter jam or biscuits or anything which suffice to keep you hungry in just 2-3 hours.

7 Dinner (7-8 PM)
Can you skip Dinner? If yes, then good. Don't enforce to skip the dinner, if you are craving for food, don't wait for morning breakfast. Find something which you don't like most and not sweet or contain sugar (BTW, Rice contain only WATER no sugar). You can have anything but in small portion. Best way to use smallest and shallow plate and/or small spoon instead of your normal plate for dinner. Eat slowly as you can. It would be good if you can finish your dinner before 8:00 PM.

8. Walk
Don't just seat to make your chair warm. Take nice walk near your house, check your neighborhood, socialize with people and make new friends. Take at least 1000 steps out of your house before bed. If you have dog, this is the time to take him for walk :)

9. Warm Water
Before your go to bed take a glass of warm water to prepare your body to digest everything you had for a day.

10. Go to Bed
Take a good story book and read till you feel sleepy. Sleep like a baby to energize your body for next day.

Changing habits are very difficult, hence my suggestion is to go slow, but follow all steps everyday. Don't stretch yourself by going to Gym or any weight loss program, unless you know what you are doing.

Bad Habits made you fat, Good Habits will make you slim. 

Images are take from internet, I'm not claiming it's mine.
It work for me doesn't' mean it will work for all.
Please consult your doctor or dietitian before applying anything from above tips.
Eating habits may need to change, depend on person to person.
This is my personal experience, have not copy from anywhere.
Please Do not copy or replication in any form without the express and written authorization of me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup

I do know why I pick this book, no...not by the name of the book or I'm fan of suspense books, but only by name of author, Mr. Vikas Swarup.

I never heard of his name till I enjoyed a Oscar winning movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'. That movie made a History for many Indian artiest, A award for music director A. R. Rahman, Singer Sukhwinder Singh and Gulzar for lyricist. The story was amazing and plot picked from the Book 'Q&A' novel. I really wanted to grab that book after watching movie, but never got a chance to buy that book. Though, I can't read such books after watching movie from same plot. I read books to impreove my imagination power and i love to involve in story when I visualize as I read. I think, I stop imaging and always relate to the charterers from movie and expecting a end of novel as I saw in movie. That is the reason, when there was a buzz about the new Movie, on novel 'Shantaram' by Gregory David Roberts, I grab the book and read out as soon I can. Fortunately/unfortunately that movie never come out and I'm still happy to have my own version of book in my mind.

After watching Slumdog Millionaire, I wanted to follow the Vikas Swarup and was looking to check his another book. In 2010 I cross with this book, 'SIX SUSPECTS', before any second thought, I was holding that book, before anyone from Hollywood or Bollywood director start writing a plot or script on that.

The book is a good read and built a nice plot till last page. Guessing of the killer is difficult and surprise elements at the last chapter of the book is good to keep you hanging without exploring the real killer. From first page you could start imaging the characters from that book and all characters has it's own world, narrated by Author. The book takes you every part of India, from Delhi typical Hippocratic, emotionless, corrupt Political world to Andaman ever green nature loving people... From Sadhus in Uttar Pradesh to Nigerian con, roaming in Chennai... From Sweet people of Kolkotta to Victim of Bhopal gas tragedy... From Rajasthan Marwad to Delhi street thief..... The book is perfectly written to give glimpse of each part of India in well manner. There is a forgain character too, who gives a international overlook, including a some hidden war between Indian, Pakistan and Afganistan. Inclusion of the CIA, FBI, Terrorist in Kashmir, ISI and name of the International Business tycoon make this story more interesting. The words and outlook plotted by author makes you to create a picture of each sequence while you read.

As title says, there are SIX suspects for a murdering Politician son Viky Rai. The murder happen to be in his Farmhouse where he was hosting a party for being acquittal from murdering bar attendant long back. The all suspects has their own story and motive to kill the host. The party was for celebration, where many people got invited and some got dropped themselves to kill Viky Rai.

Ultimate suspense end up in last chapter, where we agree with Author for Indian Judiciary system and Money/Power is stronger than anything. Law and death is different for rich and poor.

Very interesting suspense story end with many questions though, but really a nice pick for suspense book readers..

The art of Seating...

There is no way I can teach anyone, Where to seat and How to seat, but certainly, can help you with how to seat PROPERLY to avoid the neck pain, specially when you are in front of the Computer.

I have learn this technique from someone on internet, could not remember name of that fellow and Video URL too... :( I do remember the key elements from that technique, because I'm using since that day. I had a very bad neck and back pain. Apart from medication I am following below steps, which helps me to cure the back-pain sooner than I was expected.

Those who are work freak in front of TV/Computer screen, need to understand human spine is flexible, hence be careful as you walk/seat or do anything with your back. Spine start from neck to tail bone at end of our back. A wrong habit of seating position may damage our spine permanently. So beware of posture and understand the simple technique to comfort your back when you are in front of screen.

It's best for all of us to make a habit of this, no matter what surface your using to rest your butt :) The below steps will not take more than 5 seconds to make you comfortable on chair. Do not skip any of the step from below list.

1. Choose the comfortable chair for you.
2. Make height adjust according to you and screen of your computer.
3. Eye sight and Computer screen must in straight line.
4. Follow all possible instructions from picture attached.
5. Stand still in front of chair.
6. Pull all muscles of your heap.... pull inward as much as you can.
7. Take a breath...
8. Make your stomach muscles tight. Pretend, somebody is going to hit you on your stomach.
9.  Relax your shoulders.... don't load on shrugs
10. Seat on your chair with without breath out.

It's human tendency to relax, dropping shoulders and bend forward as we seat for long time. Whenever you feel, you are lower and arching your back, stand up again and follow the steps from 5 to 10.

Follow these all steps, till it becomes part of your daily habits.

Disclaimer: -
Image is taken from Internet,
The instructions are useful for me, I can't guaranty it will work for everyone.
This instructions are not manual from Doctors or experts, but I found it useful and worthy to share for humanity.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


My wife is good in kitchen and I'm sure anyone can start licking own fingers after a plateful of meal made by her. She is better when it comes to Non-Veg and I assure you that you will stretch your stomach to stuff as much as you can. She know the meaning of phrase  'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'. A perfect Wife for me :). Though she is good in cooking, I am fond of the foods from different places around the places. Nothing that I am expert in food, but I like to pamper my tongue than my tummy. The taste drive me to different restaurants than my hunger. Every Weekend (specially on Saturday) I spend time with my friends for party. They booze testing their Kidneys and I food stretching my intestine.

From last Saturday I was not just eating out, but actually hogging, whatever is coming to my plate. Saturday morning was special, as promise to my Son, I went on trekking with him on Sinhgad, (a fort near Pune). I used to go there for exercise, many go there for trekking or practicing the Everest Base Camp training and Foodie go there to enjoy some authentic Maharashtrian spicy food on table top area of the fort. I was with family, so it was for sight scene, photography and food only. The day had started with amazing note with family and ended with my friends in some restaurant with spicy food. Sunday was fasting day for 'Ganesh Chathurthi', hence instead of eating less or nothing I usually eat lot of 'Khichadi' till late dinner at home. Monday heavy breakfast as usual and to office with home cooked food. Expecting a normal lunch in office, I was out with office colleagues to newely opened Asian Cuisine restaurant at Asian-Box near to office. It was unavoidable birthday treat from one colleague. The tasty food from hotel was so tempting, that I had more than I should have on weekdays, deciding to skip my evening snacks and dinner.

Sometime you can strict with you body but not with your heart, specially a lost friend called you for dinner :). I couldn't deny his offer and went to meet him, but with prepared mind to say no to food. This friend of mine is like a Bag of Emotions to trap me in his sweet mouth words to break my own commitment. I had full Mutton Biryani. Monday I had to skip my morning jogging due to Sunday late night dinner and sweet home made Modak on Chathurthi. So do Tuesday, cause I can't feel to get out from my bed after heavy Biryani. Tuesday morning, I had decided to do light breakfast and lunch, but no Dinner at any cost.

My oath went to vain on second consecutive day and I found myself in south Maharashtrain restaurant for dinner with couple of friends. I had authentic spicy mouth watering non-veg food, with 2 and half Chapati and small portion of Biryani. But trust me, the food was so delicious and spicy with perfectly cooked red meat, I can't control my hand, tongue and tummy to consume till I lick my little finger with satisfy burp.

You don't need a doctor or any dietitian to tell you that you are on right path to become short-term foodie to long term fatty. The problem is we know everything (thanks to smart phone and n number of free adviser on internet). You may find a list to do the things, but end result will depend on you and you and you only. 

Next morning on Wednesday, I was bedding like lazy fox, wondering which bed side is easy to get up. I knew if I can't stop now, there is no way I can stop in future. This month is holy month for all Hindus and Muslims. For Hindu it's Adhik Mass (Extra Month like a leap years comes once in 4 years) comes once in 3 year. This month Hindus keep fasting and avoid to eat non-veg, except some people like me :). For Muslims, it's Ramzan month and they keep a fasting for whole day with out a single drop of water. Inspiring from this, on Wednesday I have decided to keep 'Langhan' (fasting) for a day. It was nothing related to any religion, but consideration to rest my tummy after 5 days feast. 

'Langhan' means 'Fasting' by dictionary in English, but it also means 'Control'. Control to say NO, Control on your mind, Control to think over your decisions. Control on your body.

I spent whole day on water, making sure I'm not touching any solid food. Oh yes..., I had 3, half-cup of tea, but swear nothing apart from that. The out come is more than I expected.

1. A person like me who do the heavy breakfast everyday, Said 'NO' for Breakfast
2. Reject the offer to go out with colleague for lunch.
3. Evening snacks was tempting by it's smell, but purposely I'd avoid to roam in cafeteria.
4. By evening my tummy was making lot of weird sound and giving me single to have food, but I tested my control.
5. I almost tumble down while crossing the food stall when I was out from office.
6. I was sensing my nose getting more sharper by every street food stall I'm crossing on way to home.
7. Eyes are lustfully searching for food in fridge, when I reached home.
8. When I was about to grab full pot of my favorite (that day even a worst food would have become my favorite food) sweet dish, I reminding my self to control on my hand.
9. By night I was feeling uneasy and tummy with imploring for food.
10. Finally I have decided to have food, but end up with a cup of cold milk and 'Gulkand' to kill my acidity.
11. By last glass of water for a day before bed, I had consume 5-6 litter of water, 3, half-cup tea and 1 cup of cold milk with Gulkand.
12. I could felt the water actually touching my tongue, going through my throat, giving me a sensation of temporary relief while reaching to my empty stomach and sending a satisfaction message to brain.

Today (Thursday) when I woke up in morning, I felt really light weight and fresh compare to last 5 days heavy dose of food. I had my usual warm water to prepare first byte of food after 'Langhan'. It was a perfect breakfast to break my fasting, 3 (normal size) chapati with Ghee (butter) and sugar. It was a treat to my tummy after more than 24 hours :)

It was a good experiment and hopefully will try this again. I will do the Langhan to control my greed for food.

It's good to have food for your body and not for your tongue. In Marathi 'जगण्यासाठी खा, खाण्यासाठीजगू नका' 

P.S. Do not try to do such experiment by own, unless you sure about your body and stamina.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

No-TV month

Last month when I moved to new house, most of our belongings were on auction. Old cupboards, Wooden furniture/racks, Sewing machine, Kitchen-wears, Cutlery, Trunks, A/C, Cooler, Ceiling Fans, used/unused cloths and many more. New flat has enough storage place and wall engrave cupboard for 4 of us, so decision to get away from old was an easy and logical. The list was completed without TV and DVD Player.

I'm TV bug. After office hour, anyone could easily find me in front of that screen. Remote in one hand and other hand busy with my Mobile (WhatsApp) or something to eat, and butts rested in black leather beanbag, like a pig in morass. Happy to be there for whole day or night and toggle my eyes between TV, mobile and food as per convenient. There is no specific show I'm fan of so, surfing the channel after channel till I find something interesting to stick with is the primary job till I get settled. Many times I end up with nothing but repeat telecast program or something comedy to change my mood. I was not like this, but changed from last 2-3 years. losing control on program selection, and start tolerating anything that stupid screen shows me. Slowly that box was influencing and stuffing the unwanted information in my brain like frog in boiling water experiment. Frog never understand that water he is enjoying is actually getting boiled till the point of his death. And like frog I was accepting it happily and enjoying as it comes.

It is not only me, my mom is a big fan of all drama, daily soaps comes to the regional language (Marathi) channel. All those Saas-Bahu type story where someone or all get in to an Extra martial Affairs and a typical oddly over makeup actress survive in that situation to get sympathy from audience. All emotional drama is to attach the audience to small screen and my Mom is one of them. I hate all such stories and serials, but I used to follow these because of my mom and wanted an upper hand on remote when I'm at home.

If anyone watch those drama without emotional sense for 2-3 episodes, the person presume what could be in next few episodes. And those serials made me to have such debatable discussion with my mom. For me it was easy to guess and win the bet. All those serials are written by somebody called 'WRITER' and change the story depending on the TRP and availability (dates) of artiest. But I too start falling for their trap to get engage the viewer.

In short me, my mom and partially my wife is addicted to TV screen. Jaisa Baap Waisa Beta, so my son join couch in front of small screen. We were happy when he remember the name of serials, characters or when he dance in front of TV and try to sync his hip with dancers. This was fun for him and new entertainment for us. He start developing his taste and got attached to Cartoon and some stupid animated shows which has no stories or meaning. At age of 3, he was happy to see something or anything on screen to fix on his bum for his food. We never had realized that we were actually feeding his mind with nonsense, not required stuff in his brain at this age. But as typical parents, we never thought of this and praised him for remembering and doing exact copy from TV.

Yes, it was a old and bulky TV set, purchased in 2001-02 from my salary on EMI. But apart from any emotional attach, I love that TV because of the quality of picture and surround sound. I am sure I may never find the quality like that from any new technology TV. I never thought I would sell that thing soon. I knew if I sell this set, then I have to get new LED/plasma TV, which will defiantly create a big hole in short pocket.

Though I won all bets and debates with my mom, while pretending the end of her favorite Drama serials, I lost the debate to keep the TV set in our new home, I was agree that time, but back of my mind was calculating how much I need to invest for new LED TV, 50,000/-, 60,000/- or more. Finally, we sold a TV at very low price to someone whom I know. I made a promise to my mom, get new TV SOON. Cleverly, I never mentioned, How soon? For new TV, I changed the Hindi phrase from 'Kal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Aab' to 'Aab Se Bahetar, Aaj and Aaj se behatar Kal' Cause Tomorrow will never comes :D

Since we moved to new home, I was pushing my decision to get new TV to Tomorrow. After few days Mom was giving me reasons why to get new TV and I was finding a way to win the debate again. Whenever I feel I am about to loose the debate, I use my white flag from armor, 'Okay, I agree for new TV and will get that SOON' (keeping SOON in my mind for tomorrow). It is not about the cost anymore, I can get a new LED or Smart TV in my budget, but now it is more about the changing habits.

I can feel more positiveness in my drawing room without idiot box, compare to old drawing room when the talking machine was doing nonsense shit from one side to interrupting the harmony. It's noting bad about the TV or programs, it's about bad habits which I and my family had developed in last few years. It was us, who allowing something than nothing in our brain without thinking whether it's necessary for us or not. The over information about everything makes life bored. The life is to know something, but not everything. And seating in front of TV, I was sucking all information and keeping my tiny brain unworthy to think new ideas and topic to discuss with whom are around me.

But last 30 days are different from these routine things. I am having a healthy discussion with my family. We are spending out time to learn, read and talk on many other topics, but TV serials. My son forgot the name of many cartoon characters, instead he gets in talking or do some naughty things more, which we are enjoying. He forgot how the dancers move their hip and do some vulgar moves. Instead he is imagining his own story, try to express more after his school and get involved when he listen story from my mom or me or my wife. He started to enjoy meal more and seat in one place to have his food after physical activities which he tends to doing without TV. There are many small and subtle changed I'm observing and feeling good about that.

Good thing is I have finish 500 + pages book in just 15-20 days, usually it takes more than 2-3 months from my busy scheduled from TV :). I have started spending time on my blog, trying to write something whenever I get a free time. These are small achievements for me, from spending time in front of screen to front of books :). My mind was full of crap, was not stable and busy in something irrelevant from TV shows.

I'm not against TV, but against bad habit due to TV. If you can control on your mind, then same box can turn in to the ultimate source of good information, but one need to know where to stop and how to press Switch-Off button. I'm missing my TV, and many informative channels, like travel, discovery, NatGeo, epic and sports, specially when there is any sport tournament going on live on TV. I just pinch myself to know I'm off the TV.

I'm experiencing, how easy to get stuck and sunk into the pool of bad habits, but hard to come out from that.

It's good to have new habits of No TV. From last 30 days I am pushing my decision to get new TV to tomorrow, but I don't know for how many days I'm gonna do this. Before I could finish the writing in last two days, I had small debate/discussion/war of words with my mom for new TV and as usual I kept my words 'We'll get the new TV SOON'.

I just hope my wife and/or mom is not following me on social network and read this blog. :)

Happy NO-TV month.....

Friday, June 19, 2015

No Politics please

The last common election was most interesting election I witness of. I'm not an expert in Political affairs, but this was news that the Indian election this time was fought like President election in US. The use of Social Marketing, Rallies, Posters, Advertises and use of Digital technology, like 3 D presence of leader in every small town was really amazing. One should appreciate the planning and ideas used in this election, crossing any party though. It was a  huge impact on common man's mind and the Party who was ahead in such campaign, won that election. The side effect of that social media marketing is still high.

That was a time when I saw (including myself)  were in word of war on social media to defend someone or attack someone without knowing the facts about anything. People were so frenzy in such act, many of them lost their old friend or respect from those whom they were debating. I was too got in such mess. Though, I was not a part of any party, nor have liked any party or person page on Facebook, have never followed any political personality on twitter, but still some of my friends who were/are socially following some party or personality, they thing I'm against them.

There was a time when Party members used to convince the people to join party or vote for party.  The process was with human touch, understanding the background, party worker used to explain the voter, why he/she should join the party or vote for party. But nowadays party workers will enforce you to join them, by provoking you or by manipulating your thoughts. Either you are with them or against them. Why this is so Black and White, why can't a common man like me be in Gray area, where he will observe the leader and then decide to join or not. And in case I join any party or start following party, then I may loose my identity partially. Cause then I'm not deciding what should be on my social media page. This will be decide by party what to spread from my page. It might be against someone personally or against some other party or some comment or thought which I may or may not agree with.

Since last election, two or three people from my friend list are still following one party. I don't have any objection for that and I should not have any. Those who follow some party or any leader, don't understand at end of the day, all parties are equal, 'Hammam sab naage hote hain'. After all, party leaders or members are human and all human has their personal goal and/or hidden agenda. They talk to you, about you, though of you, till they achieve what they want. This is real talent of the Politician.

I understood this and have decided to not comment anything on Politics and Politician. There is very less acceptance in public if you have any opinion on politics. Even if you have any facts and evidence against one party leader and you put your opinion on public platform, there are more people to bulldoze you than support you. The problem is mind set of human. They see everything with same optic. 'Daal main kuch kala hain, are nahi 'Daal hi kali hain' and this will go endless. If I say a word against any popular leader, those who follow him will say 'ye to bik chuka hain, ye to usi party say hain and etc. Why I suppose to be with any other party to say against you? Can't I be from same party or fodder like you to raise a question or seek a clarification from leader? Or I have no any rights to ask? When someone from same party ask a question to their leader, instead giving straight and simple answer they will divert you to other question which will be more complicated and may be from other party. I tried this with one of my friend who follower of a political party, when I asked him about his leader wrong doing, he start blaming me that you are from XYZ party with many bad words, Then he start the debate by giving example from other party leaders and their issues, which I never asked him. By end of the conversion, he said 'You have sold yourself to that party and no rights to ask anything about the honest leader from my party'. I couldn't debate him anymore, and just gave him smile to stop debating. It's like 'Meri Kamiz usake Kamiz se safed hain, to main acchha hun'. Showing others are more culprit than you is worst mind set of human. Like I'm far better Pig in this dirty pit, than others.

My suggestion would be, don't patronize by these leader, keep your esteem alive. Your leader is human too and he may make a mistake and when he make a mistake, you tends to cover him or ignore him or some of you may defend him.

I'm not afraid of putting my opinion on any social media, but I'm a common man, I have sense of everything and I will react on my day, when it comes, that is on election day. Erupting on social media and being one of the Pig, is not for me. I am not interested to be one of the so called clean PIG who don't have self conciseness. Like every common man, I'm already disturb. I need some positive energy to face my problems and solve them. Talking negative for others or sharing some stupid allegation banners and blaming others will not help me to grow mentally.

I would better to keep away from Politics and commenting on Politics. Yes will react when there is time, when I get chance to put ink on my hand. Till then shut up...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Second book by her is as good as her first

Doing business doesn't just required any MBA certification from a reputed MBA school. Business is more like a habit of work and doing exactly what your mind says. There are many successful business personality around us, who had never attend any business school but they know what exactly they are doing to make their business successful. Taking startup to a level of Business is related to your gut feelings and risk taking appetite rather than just Luck.

'Connect The Dots' is book about 20 entrepreneurs, who never been to any MBA school to understand the business, yet they are successful in their chosen field. They start from nothing, having no specific dream, fought in field of experience and got a taste of success. This book tells us, journey for them was not easy and smooth but destination is.

This is Second book from Rashmi Bansal and she kept her style of writing and format exact same from her previous book 'Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish'. There are Three section of this book and I just love all three names, 1. Jugaad, 2. Junoon and 3. Jubaan. All are hindi words can translate to 'Temporary manage or Arrangement', 'Madness/eager to do something' and 'expression by words/language'.
Though there are 20 best stories, I found 5 stories are more inspiring to think beyond your limitation to do something better in life.
JUGAAD is the collection of stories of the people who have never get a chance to learn anything about Business, but they able to mange (Jugaad) the things at right time with right attitude to achieve the success.

Kunwar Sachdev, a person who is coming from medium class background, with no big dream except to start his own business. He was not a Physics student, but he used Physics in his practical life to become a 500 + cr. business owner. SU-KAM was a name for his pen manufacturing company, but he carried same name for his next business, Power Inventor manufacturing. Story is amazingly written by Author and gives us an idea, how by following something else you may end up doing better than what you have started. Something will work in JUGAAD for your success.

'Gori Gori, Fem Fem girl' was a tag used in the advertise the face bleach product, 'FEM'. I remember, It was very famous in late 90'. After reading the story of real FEM Girl 'Sunita Ramnathekar, I was stunned to know that the product was discovered in the kitchen. The story tells you the life style of the Sunita after her marriage and how she wanted to do something for her pocket money. She is good observers and having sense what market may need with self experienced. She thought and introduce a bleach to hide 'unwanted hair' from face, which become very popular because of the side effect. It was fortunate for Sunita that her product was giving a positive side effect of Fairness, to the customer. This change everything for Sunita and she promote that product for Fairness bleach, instead. The jugaad she made in her kitchen, accepted by people and gave her success like, she never had dream of. A 200 cr company sold to Dabur after 27 years in skincare industry. It's an amazing journey for her.

Imagine a person who was living in tin shade in Pune slum, but doing JUGAAD with his risk taking appetite and opportunistic sense, he become a owner of company, having 16,000 Employee working with him and total worth of 300+ cr. This story tells you how part time small business become Million dollar business. Mr. Hanmant Gaikwad started his house keeping service industry as part time job, while doing a service in TATA auto. He sense a opportunity in almost every thing where ever he goes, from taking class for Diploma student to Paint the wall to lay the brick road to clean the company floor, to anything. The story is journey of a Person who is ready to experiment and do something (JUGAAD) to earn money.
"Do Good Work and More Work will Come to You"

JUNOON is all about the People, who have their dream and ready to do anything (Junoon) to get their dream in real.

Some people don't like to read when they are in school, but later they realize, book reading is important. I like this story because I myself consider in this category of the people. :)
He failed to fulfill his father dream to complete his degree in Mathematics, but become a great sales manager in Book store. The book reading can do the wonders, but in his case Book selling made his life wonderful. R. Sriram's story is lesson, how dreamer should follow his Dream till it become reality. From sales person in book store to India's first book store chain owner is not a common dream. R. Sriram understood the meaning of "Intelligence and Capability are not enough, there must be joy of doing something beautiful". A words from Dr. Venkat swami of Arvind Eye hospital. Good story to read.

JUBAAN is collection of stories of creative people, who choose the different platform to express themselves (Jubaan) and prove the world that Creative Mind people can become a entrepreneur,

When I saw a movie 'Harishchdrachi Factory' in 2010, I was amazed the worked done by team. That time I had never thought about any individual from that team, till I read about Mr. Paresh Mokashi, who made his dream come true though this movie. He wanted to become an actor but end up writing stories for play, Marathi serials etc. We should be glad, that Paresh understood his hidden talent of writing, which he must have got from his journalist father. He wrote many small play, but he become famous with black comedy play in Marathi, 'Mukkam post Bombilwadi'. From there he never looked back and made history by producing a Film in Marathi, which is costliest movie (4cr) in Marathi Industry then. The movie is different then and even now, because it is without a Song, Dance and/or big banner Actors in it, still got huge attention and recognition from Industry and got a place for Oscar nomination in 2009.

An Artiest can become an entrepreneur, if he believe in his creation and use his mind to invest money in it.

The book is really good to read, not in one seat, but whenever you are in mood to understand how the successful become successful. There is no magic, only dedication toward the goal and hard work. Yes to understand your Goal, you need to work really hard. try many things before you settle in one line or one business. but no shortcut for hard work.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Change is Good

It was late evening of 10 or 12 July 1992. We were planning to sleep early, as there was no lights and raining heavily outside. I was 12 years old that time. It was my best opportunity for me and my sister to skip the homework and go to bed. We were busy in making arrangements for bed. Suddenly, we terrified by loud noise of hitting something on ground, along with screaming of people from out side of our home. Before we could understand anything, I was getting breeze and drizzling of rain from the side wall, where I was standing to make arrangement for bed. My father pulled me and my sister aside and drag us to out of that building. We all were standing in crowd to witness our home is getting tumble in that thunderstorm. Lightning was helping us to see how badly our home was damaged. The side wall which was unsupported from outside was collapsed, but rest structure was stand still. 

It was 2 and half story building, called WADA, constructed by my father's Grandfather in year 1940-50. We spend that night in one of our close relatives place, but my father reluctant to leave the place. He wanted to guard the remaining property and all inside stuff of our home, which was easily accessible from that open wall.

My first home shifting was unavoidable and forceful that time. I was just asked to take care of my school bag and stuff related to my school. Rest things get packed and move to new location on very next day. I don't remember how that had happened or who made that possible, but all required stuff were intact at new place for me and my sister. Out life was back to normal in just 2-3 days.

That Wada is now changed to a 4 story commercial cum residential building. Before moving to this place, we have shifted 4 times in span of 11 year from 1992 to 2003. Moving from own HOME to own or rent a small flat, was not easy that time. But we learnt many things in that shift, we experience the different culture, people, festivals, Co-Operative housing society rules and Politics in that housing society. All shifting was with purpose of convenience for my parents and our school. 

It seems unending story. We are shifting again for better neighborhood and close to school for my son. This is 5th time we are changing my postal address. This time we are moving to new rental home for next couple of  years. I wish landlord would offer me that property in next 2-3 years at affordable price. We have yet to moved there, but I am in love that home and locality. 

Change is unavoidable, like my first shifting in my life. If you are reluctant, then situation force you to change, but if you are aware where you want to head in life then you need to change the situation. With this new change, I know where exactly I am heading to.

Every Change Brings Good in Life, If You Are Ready to Accept.

Friday, June 5, 2015

A Book, brings me to my blog again

Back after 5 years ...!!!
I knew Blogging was not meant for me, but I started in 2009 and (un)fortunately stopped in 2010. This is not the 1st thing, which I started with hopping something better and stop following soon. There are many unfinished things in my life, which sometime I laugh on, and sometime just regret.

I was counting blog in that unfinished things, but today, I thought to give a shot again. When, I have started blogging initially, 'It was to express myself, Not to Impress the world'. Then why did I stop? It was my habit to keep things unfinished.

Unending list of unfinished tasks, rewrite every December by name of resolution. From many years I was practicing to make a resolution in month of December and then run away from those resolutions by end of Feb or March. Yet again, it was Dec 2012 and I was ready with my resolution list (unfinished list from last year). One of that was Reading Books. I pin that resolution for coming year and made small change, from 'Reading Books' to READ A BOOK'. That a small change was very effective. I know my reading habit, so decided to find a small book. Same evening I was on road looking for roadside used book stall to get something to read for sake of my resolution.

With confuse mind, I was looking at stack of books and wonder what to select. I never been to book stall, except to buy school/collage books. That time I knew what to buy, starting from weakest subject I was in :)  But the time has changed and so do the selection of book. Now the subject is not only selection criteria for book. You need to know what type of book suites you and what you need from book. So my selection started with easy steps, observing what other readers were checking at and just follow them. I was acting like I'm a good thinker and choosy for books. One thing was sure, I wanted to start with a Indian author book. As I don't wanted to keep a dictionary beside me, while reading book.

Will you select a book by color of cover, title or Author instead? funny isn't? But I was automatically picking anything with dark color cover, not sure about the contain and context. And finally, I was stuck with a one book. It was with black cover, Indian Author, easy and bold title, 'YOU CAN WIN' by Shiv Khera. This is it...!!!

I was more amused by the tag line of that book, 'Winner don't do the different things, they do the things differently'. That book change my life and gave me a lot. The most important thing I learnt from that book is 'Never Quit' attitude.

I'm back to my blog to commit myself on public domain, that I will never QUIT again.